Conditional Tense SPANISH - Hablar


7C Spanish (Tenses and Key Terms) FlashCards sobre Conditional Tense SPANISH - Hablar, criado por Ime Umoabasi em 06-12-2015.
Ime Umoabasi
FlashCards por Ime Umoabasi, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ime Umoabasi
Criado por Ime Umoabasi mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is conditional tense used for? The conditionals is used to state what I/You/He/She/We/You pl/They would like to do.
How is the conditional tense formed? The conditional tense is formed by adding on th appropriate ending straight after the infinitive.
What is the infinitive 'to talk'? Hablar
What is the verb 'I could talk'? Hablaría
What is the verb 'You could talk'? Hablarías
What is the verb 'He/She could talk'? Hablaría
What is the verb 'We could talk'? Hablaríamos
What is the verb 'You (pl) could talk'? Hablarías
What is the verb 'They could talk'? Hablarían


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