Hazard Warning Signs


FlashCards sobre Hazard Warning Signs, criado por Brigid Vella em 08-01-2016.
Brigid Vella
FlashCards por Brigid Vella, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Brigid Vella
Criado por Brigid Vella quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Flammable (Catch fire easily)
Corrosive (Cause skin burns and permanent eye damage. May corrode metals.)
Toxic (Can cause death when swallowed, breathed in or absorbed through skin)
Explosive (May explode if exposed to fire, heat, shock and friction)
Oxidising * Can burn even without air * Can intensify fire in combustible materials
Health Hazard May cause irritation - redness/rash May damage the ozone layer
Long Term Health Hazard (May cause serious and prolonged health effects - carcinogenic, fertility, asthma.)
Gas under pressure (Gas released may be very cold and may explode if heated
Hazardous to the Environment (Toxic to aquatic organisms and cause long lasting effects in the environment)


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