Control of Blood Sugar


A Levels Biology (Homeostasis) FlashCards sobre Control of Blood Sugar, criado por beccak432 em 10-12-2013.
FlashCards por beccak432, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por beccak432 quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
GLYCOGENESIS the synthesis of glycogen from glucose. caused by insulin.
GLYCOGENOLYSIS hydrolysis of glycogen into glucose. caused by glucagon.
GLUCONEOGENESIS forming glucose form non-carb substances e.g. amino acids, fats.
Pancreas produces the following from what cells... a) insulin b) glucagon a) B-cells b) a-cells
a-cells and B-cells are found in the.. ISLETS OF LANGERHANS
Exocrine secretion through a duct
Endocrine secretion of hormones directly into blood stream


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