Criado por Kathi Hohlwegler
aproximadamente 9 anos atrás
Questão | Responda |
PRISTINE MYTH | The myth that nothern America was virgin and pristine before the Europeans came to conquer. It was indeed altered by the natives and didn't lack of infrastructure. |
THANKSGIVING | Settlers needed the Natives to avoid starvation >> Agriculture 1621 Pilgrims invited Indian allies to celebrate their survival >> most likely bad food |
Metacom's War (1675-76) | Indian allies launched attacks on farms & settlements that were on Indian land, to prevent further expansion New Englanders thought Metacom was the mastermind behind the attacks - both sides killed ppl, but in the aftermath the image of Indians being blood thristy savages became widly spread |
INDENTURED SERVANTS | Voluntary surrendered their freedom for a specified time in exchange of a passage to America >> Servants could be sold and bought, couldn't marry without owners permission >> high deathrates |
BACON‘S REBELLION | Whites needed more space, Bacon pressed Indians to leave. > Indians kill 300 whites - Bacons army kills 30 Indians >> Conflict among whites decreased, but racism against Natives and Blacks increased |
AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM | the new nation as a "workshop of liberty to the civilized world" - Amercian Patriotism - belief that the United States have a special mission, a symbol of freedom |
Middle Passage | stage of the transatlantic trade in which millions of Africans were shipped to America - second part of a 3part voyage. >> Africans = human cargo |
Stono Rebellion (1739) | SLAVE Rebellion in South Carolina. 20 Kongolese, former soldiers killed some whites >> in response South Carolina passed the "Negro Act 1740" - no education, assembly or movement for Negros |
French and Indian War (1756 - 1763) [ AkA. 7 years' war ] | war between British America and New France and NA-Allies == France cede terretory east of the Mississippi to GB > British now the dominant colonial power in eastern America |
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