
FlashCards sobre OK - LaWI, criado por Kathi Hohlwegler em 17-01-2016.
Kathi Hohlwegler
FlashCards por Kathi Hohlwegler, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Kathi Hohlwegler
Criado por Kathi Hohlwegler aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
PRISTINE MYTH The myth that nothern America was virgin and pristine before the Europeans came to conquer. It was indeed altered by the natives and didn't lack of infrastructure.
THANKSGIVING Settlers needed the Natives to avoid starvation >> Agriculture 1621 Pilgrims invited Indian allies to celebrate their survival >> most likely bad food
Metacom's War (1675-76) Indian allies launched attacks on farms & settlements that were on Indian land, to prevent further expansion New Englanders thought Metacom was the mastermind behind the attacks - both sides killed ppl, but in the aftermath the image of Indians being blood thristy savages became widly spread
INDENTURED SERVANTS Voluntary surrendered their freedom for a specified time in exchange of a passage to America >> Servants could be sold and bought, couldn't marry without owners permission >> high deathrates
BACON‘S REBELLION Whites needed more space, Bacon pressed Indians to leave. > Indians kill 300 whites - Bacons army kills 30 Indians >> Conflict among whites decreased, but racism against Natives and Blacks increased
AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM the new nation as a "workshop of liberty to the civilized world" - Amercian Patriotism - belief that the United States have a special mission, a symbol of freedom
Middle Passage stage of the transatlantic trade in which millions of Africans were shipped to America - second part of a 3part voyage. >> Africans = human cargo
Stono Rebellion (1739) SLAVE Rebellion in South Carolina. 20 Kongolese, former soldiers killed some whites >> in response South Carolina passed the "Negro Act 1740" - no education, assembly or movement for Negros
French and Indian War (1756 - 1763) [ AkA. 7 years' war ] war between British America and New France and NA-Allies == France cede terretory east of the Mississippi to GB > British now the dominant colonial power in eastern America


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