Psychology AP Chapter 2 Vocabulary


Psychology chapter two definitions
Sarah Baldwin
FlashCards por Sarah Baldwin, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Sarah Baldwin
Criado por Sarah Baldwin aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

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hindsight bias the tendency to believe that after you learn an outcome, you would've foreseen it; "knew it all along"
overconfidence the tendency to be sure of a fact but later find out that the reality was very different
scientific method making a hypothesis, selecting a method for the study, control external variables, collect data, analyze, and report and document the results
hypothesis a prediction or theory that has to be tested
operational definition A statement of the procedures or ways in which a researcher is going to measure behaviors or qualities.
case study one type of observational data collection technique in which one individual is studied in-depth in order to identify behavioral, emotional, and/or cognitive qualities that are universally true, on average, of others
survey a method for collecting information or data as reported by individuals
naturalistic observation the researcher allows behavior to occur without interference or intervention
correlation a statistical index used to represent the strength of a relationship between two factors, how much and in what way those factors vary, and how well one factor can predict the other
correlation coefficent a measure of the direction (positive or negative) and extent (range of a correlation coefficient is from -1 to +1) of the relationship between two sets of scores
scatter plot Also known as scatter diagram or scatter graph, a scatterplot is a visual representation of the relationships or associations between two numerical variables
illusory correlation when people believe there is some relationship between events, variables, etc., even though none really exists


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