Religious Studies Edexcel


Easy questions on Religious Studies units.
Adri xaa
FlashCards por Adri xaa, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Adri xaa
Criado por Adri xaa mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is Atheism? The belief that God does not exist.
What is Agnosticism? Being unsure on whether or not God exists.
What is omni- benevolent? The belief that God is all good.
What is omnipotent? The belief that God is all powerful.
What is omniscient? The belief that God is all knowing.
How do Christian families encourage their children to believe in God? .Baptism .Worshipping .School .Parents' examples .Confirmation .Community
Name the 4 types of religious experiences. .Numinous experience .Prayer .Conversion .Miracles
What can be a numinous experience? A sunrise.
Give an example of Conversion. In the Bible, Saul originally presecuted Christians. After his conversion experience he became a Christian.
Give an example of a miracle. In the bible, the calming of the storm, the feeding of the 5000 or the healing of the crippled man.
How long do Carmelite monks pray for in the morning? Every day, for an hour.
What is the Design Argument? An argument that tries to prove the existence of God by arguing that the universe was designed by God.
What is the argument AGAINST the design argument? We cannot 'prove' God's existence. The argument only suggests that God is the designer. The appearance of design could actually be the result of evolution.
What is meant by Evolution? The idea that species developed gradually over time and adapted to their surroundings.
What is the causation argument? An argument trying to prove the existence of God by showing that everything happens for a reason.
What are the arguments AGAINST the Causation argument? It cannot be proved. It only suggests that God is the cause of the universe. There are other possible factors such as The Big Bang. If everything has a cause then what caused God?
What is the Big Bang Theory? The idea an enormous explosion started the universe around 15 billion years ago.


NA CONSTITUIÇÃO - Princípios Gerais
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05 - Atos Administrativos
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