Plants and Animal cells


flash cards for the mindmap on biology - Plants and Animal Cells
FlashCards por freya_caffyn-rya, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por freya_caffyn-rya aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What does a Cell Membrane do? Controls the movement of substances e.g. oxygen, glucose, carbon dioxide going in and out.
What does a Nucleus do? controls the activity inside the cell.
what is a Nucleus? an organelle which contains DNA.
What is Mitochondria? where respiration occurs inside a cell.
what is respiration? oxygen and glucose react to provide energy for a cell.
what does the Cyptoplasm do? chemical reactions take place to carry out life processes.
what are the differences in a Plant cell than an Animal cell? plant cell contains: chloroplasts ( and chlorphyll), large vacuole, cell wall.
What is the Cell wall made of? cellulose.
What does Chlorophyll do? absorbs light energy.
What does the Large Vacuole do? keeps cells rigid.
Where is the Large Vacuole found? cyptoplasm.
What are organelles? tiny structures that carry out specific jobs.
What is a Large Vacuole filled with? cell sap.


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