Criado por reynoldslaura
aproximadamente 11 anos atrás
Questão | Responda |
What muscles are innervated by the ansa cervicalis? | Omohyoid, sternothyroid and sternohyoid |
What is the innervation of cricothyroid? | External laryngeal nerve (from superior laryngeal nerve - from inferior vagal ganglion CN X) |
What muscles are supplied by the inferior laryngeal nerve (from recurrent laryngeal nerve)? | Thyro-arytenoid, posterior and lateral crico-arytenoids, transverse and oblique arytenoids and vocalis |
What muscles are supplied by the pharyngeal branch of the vagus (from inferior vagal ganglion)? | Pharyngeal constrictor muscles, palatopharyngeus, stylopharyngeus and salpingopharyngeus, musculus uvulae, levator veli palatini |
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