graphic design study questions


chapters 10 12 13 14
Marisa Siino
FlashCards por Marisa Siino, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Marisa Siino
Criado por Marisa Siino quase 9 anos atrás

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Questão Responda
what type face was created by Stanly Morris in 1932 Times New Roman
In what year was the Bauhaus closed by the Nazis? 1933
who coined the term graphic design W. A. Dwiggins
at were some of the formal elements drawn from Russian Constructivism? state production goals and a new social order
What terms could be used to describe the modern aesthetic created by graphic designers in the 20’s & 30s? clean objective avante garde
What is conspicuous consumption, as defined by Thorstein Veblen? The term refers to consumers who buy expensive items to display wealth and income rather than to cover the real needs of the consumer.
What is Corporate identity? systems became a means of making complex organizations seem like a single entity
What are the hallmarks of early corporate style? making symbols instead of words
What was the primary purpose of the International Typographic Style? to erase ethnic cultural economic and political differences
What design best exemplifys the International Typographic Style bauhaus and destijl on the principles of neue typography
What was not a lower-cost alternatives to monotype type setting? phototype or film
The International Typographic Style started in? swiss
What made Doyle Dane Bernbach’s Volkswagen ads from the 1960s were effective? she used humor
How were Pop different from early modern designers? it had commercial interest on fashion sex and drugs. "do it yourself underground production"
What projects pushed the permissiveness of design and challenged traditional conventions? milton glaser's poster, george lois's esquire
What did Ken Garland’s First Things First manifesto of 1964 critique provoked though on what type of influence graphic designers have on the culture at large
What was an effective strategy in graphic protests against the Vietnam War? people would do pro bono but also photoshop and offset printed images to create a negative image
What were production techniques freely used in the 1970s? home and clothing textiles
Which art movement followed “pop'? postmodernism


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