Mechanism of action


Masters Degree Pharmacy (Logbook) FlashCards sobre Mechanism of action , criado por Alyssa B em 31-03-2016.
Alyssa B
FlashCards por Alyssa B, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Alyssa B
Criado por Alyssa B mais de 8 anos atrás

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Aciclovir Converted to triphosphate form which completely inhibits viral DNA polymerase and stops the growing viral DNA chain and inactivates viral DNA polymerase
Aspirin Inhibits prostaglandin synthesis, resulting in analgesia. Reduces fever by acting on the brain's heat regulating centre to promote vasodilation and sweating
Benzophenone Absorbs UV-A UV rays, preventing them from reaching the skin
Chloramphenicol Reversibly binds to 5OS ribosomal subunits of susceptible organisms preventing amino acid transferring to growing peptide chains which inhibit protein synthesis
Chlorphenamine Binds to the histamine H1 receptor blocking the action of endogenous histamine leading to temporary relief of negative symptoms brought on by histamine
Ciprofloxacin Inhibits the enzyme topoisomerase II and IV which are required for bacterial DNA replication, transcription, repair and recombination
Clotrimazole Inhibits ergosterol synthesis, resulting in increased cellular permeability. Also inhibits the transformation of yeasts to mycelial forms
Codeine Binds to the mu receptors in brain which are responsible for transmitting pain signals. Has a much weaker affinity than morphine.
Cyclophosphamide 1. Attaches to alkyl groups to DNA bases so DNA becomes fragmented 2. DNA damaged by cross-link formation 3. Induction of misfiring nucleotides which leads to mutations
Diclofenac Inhibits prostaglandin synthesis by interfering with the action of prostaglandin synthetase.
Doxorubicin Forms complexes with DNA by intercalation between base pairs and inhibits topoisomerase II activity by stabilising the DNA-topoisomerase II complex
Etoposide Inhibits DNA topoisomerase II therefore inhibits DNA re-ligation and DNA synthesis
Ferrous sulphate Replaces the iron stores found in haemoglobin in RBC, myoglobin and other heme enzymes in the body
Flucanazole Interacts with 14-alpha-demethylase and P-450 enzymes to convert lanosterol to ergosterol resulting in increased cellular permeability, causing leakages of cellular contents
Folic acid Converted to tetrahydrofolic acid and methyltetrahydrofolate by dihydrofolate reductase in order to maintain normal erythropoiesis
Fucidic acid Interferes with bacterial protein synthesis, specifically by preventing the translocation of the elongation factor G from the ribosome
Gentamicin Irreversibly binds to the 30S subunit of the bacterial ribosome interrupting protein synthesis
Hyoscine Interferes with the transmission of nerve impulses by acetylcholine in the parasympathetic nervous system
Hydrocortisone Inhibits the formation, storage and release of histamine from mast cells (type of WBC) which reduces the effect of an allergic reaction
Ibuprofen Inhibit cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) which decreases the synthesis of prostaglandins involved in mediating inflammation, pain, fever and swelling
Isotretinoin Reduces the production of sebum and shrinks the sebaceous glands. Also reduces inflammation in moderate-severe acne. Believed to alter DNA transcription
Loratadine Competes with free histamine and exhibits specific, selective peripheral H1 antagonistic activity. This blocks the action endogenous histamine, reading to temporary relief of negative symptoms (nasal congestion, watery eyes)
Lidocaine Blocks voltage-gated sodium channels in the cell membrane of post-synaptic neurons, preventing depolarisation and inhibiting the generation and propagation of nerve impulses
Mebendazole Selectively inhibits the synthesis of microtubules in parasitic worms and destroying cytoplasmic microtubules in their intestinal cells therefore blocking the uptake of glucose and other nutrients leading to death
Morphine Inhibits GABA inhibitory interneurons, which normally inhibit descending pain inhibition pathway, therefore without inhibitory signals, pain modulation proceeds downwards
Naproxen Inhibit cyclooxyrgenase activity, inhibition of COX-1 associated with normal GI and renal function while inhibition of COX-2 produces anti-inflammatory activity
Pseudoephedrine Acts directly on alpha and beta adrenergic receptors which provides vasoconstriction. Also relaxes bronchial smooth muscles by stimulating beta2-adrenergic receptors
Paracetamol Inhibits enzyme which is responsible for formation of prostaglandins (COX). In the CNS, inhibition of these enzymes reduces concentrations of prostaglandins which help reduce fever
Pethidine Primarily a kappa-opiate receptor agonist and has local anaesthetic effects
Propamidine Inserts itself between successive bases in bacterial DNA causing genetic mutation
Terbinafine Inhibits squalene monooxygenase therefore blocking the biosynthesis of ergosterol, an important component of fungal cell membranes
Vincristine Anti-tumour activity primarily due to the inhibition of mitosis at metaphase through its interaction with tubular. It may also interfere with amino acid cyclic AMP and glutathione metabolism.


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