Effects of WW1 on Germany


History (Germany) FlashCards sobre Effects of WW1 on Germany, criado por beahope em 22-01-2014.
FlashCards por beahope, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por beahope mais de 10 anos atrás

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Questão Responda
What were the psychological effects of WW1 on Germany? It changed them from being proud and ambitious to bitter and angry. a society that was once famous for its unity and obedience was now famous for conflict and squabbling.
What were the Physical effects of WW1 on Germany? -Farming was disturbed because farm workers were drafted into the armed forces. -By 1918 Germany was producing only 50% of milk and 60%of butter and meat. -In the winter of 1916-17 supply of potatoes ran out and only turnips were left. -3/4 of a million German citizens died of hunger and disease
What were the political effects of WW1 on Germany? -Riechstag was weak -2nd and 3rd citizens has no say in the Riechstag -The political situation worsened in the war -The country was run by the king and army, this weakened the Riechstag more.


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