1. MCS: definition, main purposes and technologies


MCS: definition, main purposes and technologies
Lukas Choo
FlashCards por Lukas Choo, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Lukas Choo
Criado por Lukas Choo quase 9 anos atrás

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Definition of Management Control Systems Management Control Systems (MCS) “include everything managers do to help ensure that their organization’s strategies and plans are carried out or, if conditions warrant, that they are modified”*.
Relation between Management Control & Strategy “Strategy formulation is the process of deciding on new external focus of strategies; management control is the process of implementing those strategies” (Anthony & Govindarajan 2007)
The four Levers of Control (to renew strategy) - Simons (1995) Diagnostic Control Systems – critical performance variables; Belief Systems – core values; Boundary Systems – risks to be avoided; Interactive Control Systems – strategic uncertainties
Diagnostic Control Systems – critical performance variables Compare actual performance and pre-set targets and to communicate the objectives to achieve
Belief Systems – core values Core values to contribute to value creation according to the company purpose
Boundary Systems – risks to be avoided Definitions and parameters expressed in negative terms for employees to do it right
Interactive Control Systems – strategic uncertainties Managers-to-subordinates-communication allowing to obtain access to local knowledge and strategic uncertainties
Benefits from the four Levers of Control (3) • Four levers generate dynamic tension between opportunistic innovation and predictable goals achievement for positive growth • The balance facilitates the management of conflicts as well as the creation of dynamic tensions and organizational capabilities • The interactive lever of control plays a significant role in achieving and sustaining the balance between controlling and enabling uses of MCS
Revised LOC - three levels of managerial intentions (Tessier 2012) Types of control (social and technical) organized as four control systems (strategic performance, operational performance, strategic boundaries and operational boundaries) and can be used diagnostically or interactively
Types of Control – Individual controls available to managers (from the revised LOC) o Social - emotional, non-rational elements and includes core values, beliefs, norms and symbols o Technical - how to perform tasks and the organization of people and groups based on rules, procedures, and standards
The types of control are organized as four control systems (from the revised LOC) 1. Strategic Performance - strategic uncertainties to monitor whether the firm has applied a proper strategy to achieve its vision 2. Operational Performance - overseeing what the firm must do well to achieve its strategy, includes feedback systems, values and symbols and procedures 3. Strategic Boundaries - Inform employees of acceptable domain of opportunity-seeking in relation to strategy 4. Operational Boundaries - informing employees about limits of their actions e.g. code of conduct, rules and procedures
How LOC can be used (revised LOC) These four control systems can be used diagnostically or interactively, have an enabling or constraining role and can lead to either reward or punishment representing managerial intentions


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