Treaty of Versailles


Izzy Noone
FlashCards por Izzy Noone, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Izzy Noone
Criado por Izzy Noone mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Which leaders were called the "Big Three" at the Treaty of Versailles? Lloyd-George, Clemenceau, Wilson
Give one reason why France wanted to punish Germany Land was destroyed through trench warfare/ feared another invasion/ wanted them weakened to prevent further threat/ 2 million French casualties
Give one example of Wilson's 14 points Create a League of Nations/ No secret treaties/free trade/ disarmament/ self determination
When was the Treaty of Versailles signed? June 1919
Which area of Germany was de-militarised? The Rhineland (border with France)
Give one reason why article 231 of the treaty angered Germany ? Article 231 was the War Guilt clause which forced Germany to accept sole blame for the war
How much did Germany have to pay in reparations? £6600 million
Give two other examples of restrictions placed on Germany's armed forces? Only 100,000 men in the army/ no submarines/ no tanks/ fortifications destroyed/ only 6 battleships/no airforce
Why was the Anschluss not allowed? Because Germany and Austria were close allies and shared a language
Give two examples of territorial losses imposed on Germany? Saar Coalfields/ Danzig/ Sudetenland/ Alsace Lorraine/ Colonies taken away
Give two reasons why the Treaty of Versailles could be seen as fair War had caused a lot of death and damage/ Germany had to be made weaker to prevent a further war/ People of Britain and France wanted revenge
Give two reasons why the Treaty of Versailles had a negative effect on international relations Germany was angered by the harsh terms of the treaty; they called it a "diktat" (dictated peace) -wanted revenge/ Germany lost industrial areas and could not afford to rebuild or pay back reparations/ British felt Germany had grounds to feel anger towards the harsh terms of the treaty


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