Biology Flash Cards Grade 10


Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, and Chapter 11
Natasha Gidluck
FlashCards por Natasha Gidluck, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Natasha Gidluck
Criado por Natasha Gidluck mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Spontaneous Generation Life appearing from nothing
Abiogenesis Spontanious Generation
Biogenesis Life coming from life
Cell The smallest functional unit of life
Cell Theory 1. All organisms are composed of one or more cells. 2. The cell is the smallest functional unit of life 3. All cells are produced from other cells
Simple Microscope Has only one lens
Compound Microscope Has two lenses
Compound Light Microscope Has two lenses and illuminates objects with light
Electron Microscope Objects are illuminated by electrons
Electron Micrograph Photograph from an electron microscope
TEM Transmission electron microscope 2D electron microscope
SEM Scanning electron microscope 3D electron microscope
CLSM Confocal laser scanning microscope Multiple slides put together to create 3D image of specimen
STM Scanning tunnelling microscope Electron probe creates 3D images
Base ACGT Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, Thymine
Gene Sequencing Mapping the order of all the genes bases
Cell Culture The growing of cells in a controlled environment
Cell Lines The generations of cells that are grown
Stem cells Cells that have all the DNA in your body and 'stem' out into specific types of cells
Organelle A specialized part of a cell with a specific function
Cell Membrane The flexible barrier that surrounds the cell and all the organelles
Cytoplasm The goo that fills the inside of a cell
Lipid Oils, fats and phospholipids that do not dissolve in water
Vesicle Little carrier balls that go around the inside of a cell and repair, help create, or help an organelle
Nucleus The brain of a cell
Nuclear Pores Little holes in the nucleus that allow protiens and molecules to pass through
Nuclear Envelope A double membrane surrounding the nucleus
Ribosome Carry genetic info to put in protiens which help the cell
Nucleolus The place in the nucleus where ribosomes are produced
Lysosome A vesicle with digestive enzymes
Endoplasmic Reticulum The place where vesicles are produced and set to different parts of the cell
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum The section of the E.R. that is covered with ribosomes to replicate proteins
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum The section of the E.R. where vesicles are made and lipids are replicated
Golgi Apparatus The organelle where lipids are modified, repackaged, and distributed
Mitochondria The organelle that acts as an energy source in an animal cell
Chloroplast The organelle that acts as an energy source by using photosynthesis in a plant cell
Centriole An organelle near the nucleus that organizes during cell division
Vacuole A storage for nutrients, food, water and a place where things are broken down and digested
Cell Wall A wall on the outside of a membrane that is very permeable and only found in plant cells
Cellulose The material that the cell wall is made of
Macrophage A large cell that defends the body against diseases
Phospholipid A certain type of lipid
Hydrophilic Attracted to water
Hydrophobic Repelled by water
Bilayer A layer that is two molecules thick
Fluid-Mosaic Model The idea that the multiple organisms connected to the cell membrane form a mosaic
Semi-Permeable Some things can pass through while others cannot
Selective Transport Only certain molecules are allowed through the membrane
Concentration Gradient The comparison between two concentrations. Example: High and low
Equilibrium When both concentrations are equal
Passive Transport Transport that takes no energy-diffusion, osmosis, and facilitated diffusion
Hypotonic Having a lower concentration of what is being dissolved in a liquid
Hypertonic Having a higher concentration of what is being dissolved in a liquid
Isotonic Having the same concentration of both the solute and the liquid
Transport Proteins A protein in the cell membrane that helps move things in and out of the cell
Facilitated Diffusion Diffusion using special proteins that move larger molecules
Carrier Protein A protein that moves glucose molecules across the membrane by changing shape
Channel Protein A protein that moves charged ions through a passage with the opposite charge
Active Transport Transport that takes energy and uses the help of enzymes
Endocytosis Transport used for substances that cannot be moved by active or passive transport. The membrane forms a pocket, closes it and breaks it off to form a vesicle
Exocytosis The same thing as endocytosis but used for substances exiting the cell
Phagocytosis A type of endocytosis where the cell eats
Pinocytosis A type of endocytosis where the cell drinks
Receptors Proteins on the surface of a membrane that detect substances
Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis When receptors tell the cell what to take in by means of endocytosis
Reverse Osmosis Taking water out of the cell
Osmosis The diffusion of water
Diffusion A type of transport that moves substances like oxygen through the membrane
Liposomes Artificial vesicles created to take medications into cells
Surface Area to Volume Ratio Whether the cell has higher surface are or volume based on its shape and size
Multicellular Organism An organism that is made of more than one cell. Larger, has a variety of different cells, and thrives in a variety of different environments
DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid that contains genetic information
Photosynthesis The process in a chloroplast that converts sunlight, carbon dioxide and water into glucose (used for plant) and oxygen (by-product)
Glucose A sugar product from photosynthesis that the plant uses for energy
Epidermis The transparent protective skin on a leaf
Cuticle A waxy transparent layer on top of the epidermis
Palisade Tissue Cell The organized layer of cells containing chloroplasts that do most of the photosynthesis
Spongy Tissue Cell The layer under the palisade cells that take in any extra light for photosynthesis and allow gases to move in air pockets
Stomata Holes in the lower epidermis that allow gases to pass through like carbon dioxide, oxygen and water vapour
Guard cells The cells on either side of the stomata that control what comes in and out of the leaf by opening and closing
Xylem The vein where water travels up the organism to the specialized cells
Phloem The vein where glucose flows down into the organisms other specialized cells
Vascular Bundles Holds the xylem and phloem veins together with tissue and is the system to allow the entire organism to get the substances it needs
Vascular Tissue Cells The xylem and phloem veins, and the vascular bundle
Tissue A tight group of similar cells
Organ A functional part of a system made up of different tissues
System A complex function using both organs and tissues
Lenticel A pore in the bark of a tree that allows gases to pass through
Transpiration The evaporation of water from leaves
Turgor Pressure The pressure of guard cells that affects the rigidness of the plant
Xylem Vessel The vein that transports xylem sap up through the plant
Phloem Vessel The vein that transports phloem sap down through the plant
Tracheids A type of xylem cell that goes through its life cycle quickly and functions while dead. Used to transport xylem sap
Vessel Elements A type of xylem cell that dies and is used as a wall to transport the xylem sap through
Sieve Tubes Tubing in phloem cells that is alive and used to transport phloem sap
Companion Cells Phloem cells that link alongside of sieve tubes
Sieve Plates Plates that separate the sieve tubes and companion cells
Root Hair Little hairs that grow on the epidermis tissue and absorb water through the tip
Xylem Sap Sap made of water and minerals that are transported up the plant
Phloem Sap Sugary sap mad of glucose, minerals and water
Cohesion The attraction of objects to one another - usually water molecules
Adhesion The tendency for something to stick to a surface - usually water molecules
Root Pressure The system that transports water up by the tension in the vessel caused by cohesion and adhesion
Stimuli A response to the environment that causes the cell to move in some way
Tropism The response of a cell
Phototropism When a plant curves toward sunlight in order to do more photosynthesis
Sleep Movements When plants change their shape throughout the day to absorb more light
Auxin A chemical to stimulate plant growth found in the tip of a plant
Nastic Response The response of a plant to touch
Gravitropism The movement of a plant due to gravity that can be negative or positive
Surroundings Anything outside the system
Open System Mass and energy can pass through
Closed System Energy can pass but not mass
Isolated System No energy or mass can pass through
Biosphere Land, air and water Biome-Ecosystem-Habitat
Atmosphere Made up of nitrogen, oxygen and other gases. Has two lower layers, the troposphere and the stratosphere
Troposphere The part of the atmosphere that extends from 0 - 12km (lower to the ground)
Stratosphere The part of the atmosphere that extends from 13 - 50km (the higher section)
Lithosphere The Earths crust
Hydrosphere Water on Earths surface like rivers, lakes, oceans, etc.
Clouds Water droplets found in troposphere
Cryosphere The part of the hydrosphere that is frozen, like ice caps and glaciers
Radiation Energy transfer with molecules giving out electromagnetic waves
Radiation Budget The balance of energy and temperature on Earth
Albedo How well a surface can reflect energy
Greenhouse Gases Nitrous oxide, ground level ozone, methane, carbon dioxide, water vapour, halocarbons
Halocarbons Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
Greenhouse Effect Heat from the sun is trapped in the Earths atmosphere so that life can thrive on the surface
Enhanced Greenhouse Effect The increase in greenhouse gases that cause environmental damage that cannot be reversed
Climate Trend in temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity and precipitation over time
Weather The same trends as climate but happening at one place and time
Specific Heat Capacity The amount of energy needed to increase the temperature1g of a substance by 1 degrees (C)
Phase Change The transition from gas, liquid, and solid in a substance
Heat of Vaporization The amount of energy to convert a substance from liquid to gas
Heat of Fusion The amount of energy needed to melt one mole of a substance
Sublimation A state change directly between solid and gas form
Hydraulic Cycle Circulation of water in lakes, oceans, rivers, etc. Also called the water cycle
Jet Streams Currents of extremely fast moving air
Sea Breeze An air current moving from water to land (day)
Land Breeze An air current moving from land to water (night)
Orographic Precipitation Cool, mountainous precipitation that is condensing
Rain Shadow A mountainous region that gets little precipitation and is far from winds
Humidity When there is a lot of water in the hot air that makes it moist
Dew Point The temperature where condensed water falls as rain or snow
Climatograph Scientific tool to display information about temperature and precipitation of an area over a period of time
Biome A big geographic region with regular environmental conditions unique to the area
Ecosystem A system within a biome in which living and non-living things interact with each other
Habitat Where an organism lives or is usually found
Adaptation A characteristic that helps an organism survive or reproduce in their environment
Physiological Adaptation Occur inside an organism but are not seen as features on an animal at a glance
Structural Adaptation Visible features of an organism that happen with the body
Behavioural Adaptation Regular changes that organisms do for a variety of different reasons. Does not have to be in relation to their body
Paleoclimatology The study of past climates
Weathering A natural process that breaks down materials on the surface of the Earth
Conduction Heat is transmitted directly through a substance
Convection Natural movement of hot air rising and cool air sinking


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