Irish Political History Quiz Revision


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aileen Mc
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Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
1916 Rising Upsurge against British Rule in Ireland by means of a war
War of Independence Guerilla Warfare Hit & Run tactics
Civil War Treaty vs. Anti-Treaty
Nationalist 32 county Ireland but still part of the British Empire
Republican Full break away from British Control No Links
Arthur Griffith Founded Sinn Fein
Padraig Pearse Leader of the Rising
Proclaimation Document read on the steps of the GPO
The Squad Elite 12 members of the IRA
Black & Tans British Army soldiers in Ireland during the War of Independence
Bloody Sunday Attack in Croke Park End of day - 30 dead
Leader of the IRA Michael Collins
An Agreement signed in 1921 Anglo-Irish Treaty
Leader of the Anti-Treaty group De Valera
Leader of the Pro-Treaty Group Michael Collins
First Dail in Ireland 1919
Founded the Irish Citizen Army James Connolly
Captured by the British Smuggling Arms in for the Rising Roger Casement
Main Buildings for rebel fighting in 1916 Rising GPO Bolands Mill Jacob's Factory
Arthur Griffith
Eamonn De Valera
Michael Collins
1918 - Over 30 1922 - Over 21
1913 Year of the Lockout
1919 The First Dail
1914-1918 World War I
Location where the Treaty was signed London
Countess Markievicz
Groups of 40-80 men who attack the British Forces Flying Columns
Member of the British Delegation at the Treaty Churchill Llyod George Chamberlain
Irish Delegation at the Treaty talks Collins Griffith
Government of Ireland Act Split Ireland up Counties in the North segregated
Irish Free State New name for Ireland after the Treaty


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