SIS Guest Lecture Week 2 Vocabulary Preparation


Use this resource to help learn new vocabulary relevant to the Glasgow University Campus Redevelopment.
Rachel  Elmslie
FlashCards por Rachel Elmslie, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Rachel  Elmslie
Criado por Rachel Elmslie quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Each dark blue card has a definition of a key word from the text about the campus redevelopment masterplan. Try to remember the word and its pronunciation, then click on the card to check your answer. Ready? .......Go!
a plan giving all the details of how you intend to succeed in doing something difficult Masterplan (noun)
someone’s idea or hope of how something should be done, or how it will be in the future vision (noun, countable)
official instructions to do a job, saying how it should be done brief (noun, countable)
a set of principles, ideas etc that you use when you are forming your decisions and judgments framework (noun, countable)
a plan or method for achieving something, especially over a long period of time strategy (noun, countable)
the protection of buildings or objects of historical importance conservation (noun, uncountable)
to deliberately destroy a building demolish (verb, transitive)
to keep someone or something retain (verb, transitive)
to improve a room or a building by cleaning and painting it, adding new furniture or equipment etc refurbish (verb, transitive)
making you feel enthusiastic or excited about something inspiring (adjective)
the most important or central place where a particular activity takes place hub (noun, countable)
the process of working with someone to produce something collaboration (noun, uncountable)
You've finished the exercise! Do it a few more times until you can remember the key words. See if you can think of other words in the word family, eg Collaboration (n) - collaborate (v) Try saying the words aloud so you know how the speaker will pronounce them.
Source of all definitions in this exercise: accessed 12.4.16 You will find example sentences in the dictionary. Time for a break!


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