Criado por Rachel Elmslie
quase 9 anos atrás
Questão | Responda |
Each dark blue card has a definition of a key word from the text about the campus redevelopment masterplan. Try to remember the word and its pronunciation, then click on the card to check your answer. | Ready? .......Go! |
a plan giving all the details of how you intend to succeed in doing something difficult | Masterplan (noun) |
someone’s idea or hope of how something should be done, or how it will be in the future | vision (noun, countable) |
official instructions to do a job, saying how it should be done | brief (noun, countable) |
a set of principles, ideas etc that you use when you are forming your decisions and judgments | framework (noun, countable) |
a plan or method for achieving something, especially over a long period of time | strategy (noun, countable) |
the protection of buildings or objects of historical importance | conservation (noun, uncountable) |
to deliberately destroy a building | demolish (verb, transitive) |
to keep someone or something | retain (verb, transitive) |
to improve a room or a building by cleaning and painting it, adding new furniture or equipment etc | refurbish (verb, transitive) |
making you feel enthusiastic or excited about something | inspiring (adjective) |
the most important or central place where a particular activity takes place | hub (noun, countable) |
the process of working with someone to produce something | collaboration (noun, uncountable) |
You've finished the exercise! Do it a few more times until you can remember the key words. See if you can think of other words in the word family, eg Collaboration (n) - collaborate (v) | Try saying the words aloud so you know how the speaker will pronounce them. |
Source of all definitions in this exercise: http://www.macmillandictionary.com/ accessed 12.4.16 You will find example sentences in the dictionary. | Time for a break! |
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