Ch. 4 Types of budgets - short answer


Short answers
Tamara Jacob
FlashCards por Tamara Jacob, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Tamara Jacob
Criado por Tamara Jacob quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Zero-based budgeting An administrative budget that requires unit directors to justify every expense without reference previous spending patterns.
Fixed budgeting Requires an ATC to project both expenditures and program income on month-by-month basis to determine total program costs and revenues for the fiscal year
Variable budgeting Requires that expenditures for any given time period to be adjusted according to revenues for the same period.
Lump-sum budgeting A parent organization provides and ATC with a fixed sum of money and the authority to spend that money any way he sees fit.
Line-item budgeting Requires the ATC to list anticipated expenditures for specific categories of program subfunctions.
Performance budgeting Breaks the function of a sports medicine program into discrete activities and appropriates the funds necessary to accomplish these activities


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