

Hanin Lewa
FlashCards por Hanin Lewa, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Hanin Lewa
Criado por Hanin Lewa aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is policing? * Set of processes wilfully directed towards the production of order and proffering assurances of safety and security
History of Policing * Meant the maintenance of a good market functioning * We thought that if we had prosperity and plenty, we would all be safe
who is Sir Robert Peel -charismatic and effective police reformer who persuaded people of the need for a public police service largely through emphasizing that they would be a part of the community.
What are Peel's 3 main principles? * Prevent crime and disorder (prevention) * Consenus, work through consensus and negotiation not force (consensus) * Impartiality, they serve the law not a certain group, everyone equally under the law (impartiality)
What are Peel's 3 topics? 1. The police get no speciality 2. They're there to prevent crime not to respond to it 3. They work to persuade rather than the use of force
What happened after 150 years after Peel's vision was introduced? * Oppsoite of his vision, Developed a hierarchical, specialized, isolated, expert and reactive agency for law enforcement * WHY??? It has to with the authority and capacities of legal constraints upon the public police
What developed in Policing by the late 1960s? Permanent revolution and bad relationships between police and the public
What are the 2 competing perspectives that underlie our criminal justice system? Crime control and Due process model
what is crime control? It stresses the importance of controlling crime and favors providing criminal justice professionals with considerable powers for responding to crime. Thus, crime control advocates would support giving police wide powers to search suspects, enter people’s houses, and detain persons accused of crime.
What is Due process model? · limits the powers of CJS to prosecute accused persons. -It advocates that if the State – which has unlimited resources to prosecute suspects – is not subject to some limits, society will become intolerable, as people will be subjected to constant surveillance and police interventions. The due process model is therefore more concerned with protecting the rights of accused and following correct legal procedure.
what is the public more sympathetic to? crime control or due process? · The public is more sympathetic to crime control than to due process
What are the functions of The Community Policing Mode? * Community policing entails the public police turning away from merely being the “experts” in law enforcement – to embrace a more general social services function in which they work with the public to produce order and offer security
What are the strategies to the community policing model? -Shifted from merely enforcing the law to the development of the problem-solving approach to reduce crime * Emphasizing foot patrol to enforce two-way communication between public and police
What are 4 principles of Community Policing? 1. organizational decentralization 2. A problem-orientated focus 3. Responding to the priorities of the public 4. Facilitating neighborhood problem-solving
What is the crime prevention through environmental design? * Approach is concerned with analyzing and safe guarding “the conduct of potential victims, vulnerable situations and those routines of everyday life which create criminal opportunities that are unintended."
What are the 4 principles of the crime prevention through environmental design? Territoriality natural surveillance activity support access control
What is the broken windows theory? - vigorously enforce the law to clear out signs of disorder to discourage more serious forms of crime
What is restorative justice? * the importance of dealing with criminal behaviour and the conflicts. Using a holistic approach with criminal behaviour where coercive force is last option resolving conflicts at community level
what are the 2 types of restorative policing programs? Circular sentencing Family group conferencing
What is the family group conferencing program? Family group conferencing- when the families and freinds participate to bring awareness and give oppurtunity for rehabilitation and redrict them from court.
What is circular sentancing? Circular sentencing- putting everyone involved, the lawyer the family, the judge to talk and discuss the issue in a circle to reach consensus and rehabilitation of offender.
what does criminal law do? * Criminal law is to protect society from actions and behaviours that is considered to be harmful
what are the four logistics of punishment? retribution- eye for an eye. punishment rehabilitation- changing skills or knowledge to reduce possibility of crime deterrence- deterring or having someone to fear breaking the law (criminal code) incapacitation- the more repetitive your criminal behaviour is, more likely to go to jail
what are the 3 stages to criminal processes? investigation prosecution sentancing
the courts function through what system? adversarial system -innocent until proven guilty
factually v legally guilty? factually- whether person did crime or not legally- not only if person did crime, but also whether it was proven that person committed crime constitutionally and properly obtained the evidence


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