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Trabajo Ingles
FlashCards por ang1olina32, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por ang1olina32 mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Workforce (personal, mano de obra) Example: This means that the workforce has to adapt to the new information technologies.
Espendig (gasto, desembolso) Example: Accounts payable data are sent to a third party, categorizes spending.
(Ventas) Example: In general, any weapons exported would be re-exports or sales of used items
Retail ( minorista, ventas por menor) EXample: Retail sales are still rising, and fixed investment has continued to increase.
Rates (tasas, tarifas) Example: It is preferable to supply a bill of quantities rather than a schedule of rates.
Prices Index (indice de precio) Example: It can be also estimated on the basis of the prices index (general or specific) for the assets in question (machinery, buildings, etc.).
Premium (prima, cuota, recargo, incremento, sobreprecio, bonificación) Example: Better paid and educated workers can often improve the quality of processed beans and hence the beans can be sold at a premium price
Market (Mercado) Example: It does, however, accept that there are market gaps for sometypes of investment at certain stages of enterprises
Planning (planificación) Example: These are useful for participatory planning and for taking forward into Options Analysis
Management (gestión, administración) Example: Existing legislation, however, prohibits or hinders this type of cash management technique.
Inflation (inflación) Example: Monetary policy was credible and managed to keep inflation low.
Index (Indice) Example: This index is calculated by simply dividing the country's total consumption of tiles for a given year by the estimated number
High price (precio alto) Example: Despite the currently high price for oil Iran faces a difficult economic situation and needs to accelerate the pace of reform.
Expense (gasto) Example: Expenses can be broken down by various categories such as food, rent and utilities.
Enrich (enriquecer) Example: Moreover, volunteer work is enriching for the individual volunteer.
Employee (empleado) Example: The pensions shall be adjusted in the same proportion as employee retirement pensions.
E-commerce (comercio electrónico) Example: Design and execute policies to foster the proper development ofe-commerce, including policies designed to inform providers and consumers
Jobless ( sin empleo, desempleado) Example: In the same way, unemployment benefits and eligibility are less generous in areas where the jobless rate is low.
Customer (cliente) Example: By combining these areas, the company can offer its customers optimum support for the entire useful life of the product.
Consumer (consumidor) Example: It is the consumer who will end up paying the bill
Blue chip (buena liquidez o ingresos de una empresa) Example: Pooling of blue-chip liquidity, and the end to geographical diversification strategies can free up capital for new issues markets and venture capital.
Achievement (logro, exito, rendimiento. ) Example: This is evident in enrollment rates, repetition and completion rates and learning and achievement.
Purchase (compra, adquisición) Example : Create the purchase requisition and assign it to the internal order.
Business (negocio, empresa) Example: This would be a victory for ordinary citizens against big business.


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