Gramalote Earthquake


FlashCards sobre Gramalote Earthquake , criado por Valentina Castañeda em 28-04-2016.
Valentina Castañeda
FlashCards por Valentina Castañeda, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Valentina Castañeda
Criado por Valentina Castañeda quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Social - Increase of dead and injured people - Lack of food - Poverty -Colapse of Public and Health services - Inflation - Increase of diseases
Enviromental - Visual contamination - Lost of farmer fields - Air contamination -Water contamination - Increased trash - Risk of landslides - Reduction of Flora - Flood risk
Solutions - Ask for help and resources from other countries - "Cruz Roja", ONU and other organisations interventions - Donation campaigns - Implementation of community feeders - Start the reconstruction of the infrastructures that got affected


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