Flashcards unit 1.2 Compounds


Opal Khan
FlashCards por Opal Khan, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Opal Khan
Criado por Opal Khan mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What are compounds? Compounds are substances made of lattices or identical molecules with two or more types of atoms.
What are some examples of compounds? Water, salt, candle wax, vegetable oil,
What are some compounds made up of? Some compounds are made up of molecules
What are properties? Properties are a unique set of characteristics.
How many elements is the human body made up of? The human body is made up of 16 elements.
What are the six common elements, the body is made up of? Oxygen-65% Carbon-18% Nitrogen-3% Calcium-1.5% Hydrogen-10% Phosphorus-1%
What are some examples of compound lattices? Table salt and beach sand.
How is each molecule made up? Each molecule is made by combining different numbers of the same elements, oxygen, hydrogen and carbon.
Are all molecules in any compound identical? Yes, they are identical in size, shape and number of atoms.
What is the scientific name for table salt? Sodium chloride
What is the chemical formula of table salt? The chemical formula of table salt in NacI
What is the chemical formula for beach sand? The chemical formula for beach sand is SiO2.
What is the scientific name for beach sand? Silica or silicon dioxide
What are mixtures? Any combination of two or more elements and compounds.
What is miscible? Liquids that can be mixed.
What is immiscible? Liquids that do not mix.
What are alloys? Mixtures of a metal with other metals or non-metals.
What happens to these atoms at room temperature? They tend to be very hard solids at room temperature.
How are the atoms placed in compound lattices? The atoms are very strongly bonded to each other.
How many atoms does plastic contain? Plastic contains thousands of atoms.


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