A2 June 2011 Key vocab


A-Level Spanish (Exam paper key vocab) FlashCards sobre A2 June 2011 Key vocab, criado por Bryony Whitehead em 14-05-2016.
Bryony Whitehead
FlashCards por Bryony Whitehead, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Bryony Whitehead
Criado por Bryony Whitehead mais de 8 anos atrás
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Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
peatones pedestrians
prestar to lend
alquilar/aquiler to rent/rent
municipio municipality, town/local government
invertir to invest
ahorro savings
carril-bici bike lane, cycleway
peatonlizado pedestrianised
acuerdo agreement
firmar to sign
propósito intention, purpose
pantano bog, marsh
hogar home
formación profesional professional training
nana lullaby
internauta internet surfer
atrasado behind, slow, late
poner en marcha to start up, turn on
patera small boat, dinghy
despertar to wake up
buque ship
madrugada early morning
atender to look after/pay attention
tripulado (from tripular) manned (to man e.g. a ship)
arrollar to mow down, crush, destroy
milla mile
aprovechar to make the most of
disfrutar to enjoy
sino but (in the negative) / destiny
tejado roof
afueras outside
potente powerful
nocivo harmful
tren de cercanías commuter train
volver a + inf go back to
cuadruplicar to quadruple
recorrido walk, tour
parada bus/taxi stop/parade
los demás the others
actual current
mayor greatest/grown up
elaborar to make, manufacture, produce
orgulloso proud
darse en cuenta de to bear in mind, to realise
maestro teacher, master
los Reyes Magos the Epiphany (6th of January)
hispanohablante Spanish speaking
lamentar to lament, to be sorry about, regret
edad age
idioma lanaguage
junto together
exigir to demand, require
dominar to dominate, control, rule
hacer falta (que) to be necessary that
encargado manager, person in charge
datos data, figures, statistics
Ministerio del Interior Interior Ministry
delito crime
realizar to carry out
anteayer day before yesterday
abordar to touch on, address, tackle
encuestado those asked/surveyed/questioned
sondeo survey
llevar a cabo to carry out
temer to fear
callejero street/on the street
atrever to dare
queja complaint
cada vez más more and more
falta lack
hace ago
ataque attack
delante de in front of
ayuntamiento town hall
borrachado dunken
asaltar a to assault
gritar to shout
paralizar to paralyse
golpe blow
quedarse to remain, still be
recordar to remember
incidente incident
coger to catch

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