Biotechnology and Gene technology


GCE Biology FlashCards sobre Biotechnology and Gene technology, criado por sophie.holland96 em 19-02-2014.
FlashCards por sophie.holland96, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por sophie.holland96 mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Define clones Genes, cells or organisms that are genetically identical because they are derived from the same original DNA
What is vegetative propagation? The production of structures in an organism that can grown into new individual organisms. The offspring are genetically identical to the parent and therefore are referred to as clones.
What is the main example of natural vegetative propagation? Elm trees
What are the advantages of Asexual reproduction? It is quick, allowing organisms to take advantage of resources in the environment. I can be completed if sexual reproduction fails or is impossible.
What is the major disadvantage of asexual reproduction? There is no genetic variety , so any parental weaknesses will be in offspring. If the environment changes then all genetically identical organisms will be equally susceptible.
What is the main advantage to the elm of vegetative propagation The root suckers help the elm to spread. They grow in a circle known as a clonal patch. The clonal patch can expand as far as resources permit.
What is the main disadvantage to the elm of vegetative propagation? The root suckers (clones) that form the clonal patch are genetically identical to the parent plant. When Dutch elm disease spread through Europe the elms were almost wiped out due to the root suckers being genetically identical and having no resistance to the disease. There is no genetic variation within the population, so natural selection cannot occur.
What is the main method used in artificial propagation of plants? Tissue culture


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