Criado por Oscar Altide
mais de 8 anos atrás
Questão | Responda |
nod (head gesture: yes) Kyle nodded in agreement. | asentir, aprobar, decir que si gestualmente |
assailant she escaped from her assailant after kicking him | Atacante |
brawl Police were called to break up the brawl at the club. | pelea ,camorra, riña |
clutter Sorry about the clutter in the kitchen. My desk is covered in/full of clutter | (a lot of objects in) a state of untidiness. |
rut Julian felt he was stuck in a rut | (coloquial) aburrido, rollo coñazo |
suck it up I know you don't want to sit next to her, but you'll just have to suck it up and try to make conversation! | aguantarse , tragarse |
the cradle of [sth] n Ancient Mesopotamia is considered the cradle of civilization. | cuna nf |
motto The company had their motto painted on the walls in the break room. | lema nm consigna nf eslogan nm |
teetotal The alcohol ban is a strain on my mum, she likes a bit of a drink, but my dad's teetotal. | abstemio |
spear The tribe use spears to hunt animals. | lanza |
nail [sth] vtr Miranda nailed the picture hook into the wall. Carrie nailed the sign high up on the door. | clavar |
butt [sth/sb] vtr The goat butted the door | cornear⇒ vtr embestir⇒ vtr |
scent n (pleasant smell) Wendy loves the scent of freshly baked bread. scent n (animal's smell) | aroma ,olor,perfume |
rusty | oxidado |
re-enactment the re-enactment of a naval battle | recreacion de un hecho histórico replica |
fetching You look very fetching in your green shorts. | que te sienta bien |
unscathed Peter emerged from the car accident unscathed. | adj (person: not harmed) ileso/a adj indemne adj |
intertwined | entrelazados |
downpours | chaparrón |
dump (slang) He's been miserable since his girlfriend dumped him. | (end a relationship) (coloquial) dejar |
Crook | sinverguenza |
dusk Dusk is my favourite time of day. | anochecer nm crepúsculo nm |
Hatred | odio |
Inmate | prisionero |
alleged The alleged criminal demanded a lawyer. | presunto, supuesto |
wallow in [sth] vi There's nothing he enjoys more than wallowing in misery. | regodearse |
revellers | juerguistas |
to don But getting cyclists to don a hard-shelled helmet, which can lessen the risks of serious injury, has been a global challenge. | ponerse ropa, ataviarse con |
spank Ellen spanked her son when she found out he'd been bullying younger children at school. | azotar a hit as punishment) |
ditch [sb] (lover: leave) (coloquial) the robbers ditched the getaway car | deshacerse de,dejar tirado... |
sparse The hairs on Steve's head had become increasingly sparse over the years. | escaso/a adj disperso/a adj |
scarce New parts for machinery are scarce, so the locals have to cannibalize old machines for spares. | escaso/a adj poco/a adj |
kickback The contract to supply Tornado jets went to Smith Inc because they offered a kickback to the Defence Procurement Minister. | soborno |
shed Put the garden tools in the shed. | cobertizo,caseta |
steep The house was at the top of a steep hill. | empinado/a adj inclinado/a adj |
setback The project suffered a setback when one of the key workers had to take two months off work due to illness. | contratiempo nm |
Cove | Cala (playa) |
chubby Ellen was not overweight, but she considered herself chubby. | regordete/a adj rollizo/a adj rechoncho/ancha adj gordinflón) adj |
beam, beam of light (light ray) The room was dark except for a thin beam of light shining through a small hole in the roof. | rayo nm rayo de luz grupo nom |
tail The dog yelped when the guy stepped on his tail. | rabo nmcola nf |
goose, plural: geese The goose walked around the pond. | ganso nm |
outstanding His play in that game was outstanding and we shouldn't expect to see that level from him again any time soon. | espectacular adj |
thrive All the plants in my garden are thriving. | desarrollarse (con salud) crecer muy bien loc verb (planta, animal) |
gruesome adj ( The gruesome assault was captured by a security camera. | repellent) repelente adj horripilante adj espantoso/a adj |
Question Text | Answer Text |
Question Text | Answer Text |
breed figurative, informal Politicians are an untrustworthy breed. | (type of person) (figurado) raza nf grupo nm |
harsh adj She was quite harsh with the kids. She should be nicer to them. | duro/a adj severo/a adj |
needle n Kate threaded a needle. | (sewing needle) aguja nf |
Question Text | Answer Text |
slum n Many people in developing countries still live in slums. | suburbio nm barrio bajo grupo nom barrio pobre grupo nom |
scapegoat n The project failed and now they desperately need a scapegoat. | (figurado) chivo expiatorio loc nom m (figurado) cabeza de turco loc nom f |
negligible The damage from the earthquake was negligible. | irrelevant |
awkward adj My nephew is entering that awkward stage of adolescence. | complicado/a adj difícil adj incómodo/a adj |
blaze Three fire engines were called to tackle the blaze at the factory. | hoguera |
choke Someone help that man, he's choking! | ahogarse |
fuss n I didn't like that film at all; I can't see what all the fuss was about. | escándalo nm |
running out adj I have to make a trip to the grocery store because I'm running out of milk. | que se está acabando loc adj |
rebuke n Rose accepted her mother's rebuke, knowing she deserved it. | reprimenda nf regaño nf |
spoiler Warning: this review contains spoilers. | n informal (information that reveals plot of a book or film) |
spoilern US The party entered him only as a spoiler, but he won the election | (candidate who ruins another's chances) candidato sin posibilidades |
ballot n The officers of the club are elected by ballot. | (voting, vote) votación |
felon n It's often difficult for felons to find employment. | criminal |
To wave Taxis keep collecting people who wave at them | Hacer señales con brazo |
incongruous The spoon looked incongruous in the knife drawer. | fuera de lugar |
moan vi The patient moaned as the surgeon poked at his wound. | make sound) gemir⇒ vi |
Go viral | spread quickly |
Go by Time goes by quickly | pasar |
upheaval n The government is trying to quell the upheaval. | agitación nf turbulencia nf |
abattoir n | (slaughterhouse) matadero |
daunting adj Attending a job interview can be daunting. | (intimidating) abrumador/a adj sobrecogedor/a adj desalentador/a adj desmoralizante adj |
timid adj Don't be timid! - ask whatever's on your mind. | (shy, hesitant) tímido/a adj asustadizo/a adj |
inquisitive adj Children are naturally inquisitive about family relationships. | (person: curious) curioso/a adj |
extravagant adj The extravagant celebration will cost taxpayers big. | (lavish) extravagante , espléndido adj |
finicky adj Max is finicky about his food. | (fussy, particular) (persona) quisquilloso/a adj |
gullible adj Dana is so gullible, she would believe anything. | crédulo/a adj ingenuo/a adj inocente adj |
tightfisted he is tightfisted with her girlfriend | agarrado/a adj |
underachiever Teresa was an underachiever at college and left with very poor grades. | manta n comú |
reckless adj The reckless driver was eventually stopped by the police. | (actions: without care) (acción) imprudente adj temerario/a adj insensato/a adj |
snub [sb] vtr Elizabeth thought Janet was her friend, but then Janet snubbed her by not inviting her to the party. | (show disrespect: [sb]) desairar a vtr + prep desdeñar a vtr + prep despreciar a vtr + prep |
etiquette n It's important to observe the etiquette of countries that you visit. | (social conventions) etiqueta nf |
betrothed n She had been betrothed to the prince since she was a young girl. | formal, literary (fiancé, fiancée) prometido, prometida nm, nf |
rent collector | (law: [sb/sth]that takes housing fee) , recaudador de alquileres |
quarrel n Simon and Matthew have had a quarrel and now they aren't speaking. | (argument) pelea nf disputa nf |
mend vtr The town needs to mend these roads. | (clothes, shoes) remendar⇒ vtr arreglar⇒ vtr |
errand n I have to run some errands for my mom this afternoon. | (task outside home) recado |
derelict adj a derelict house/ship/place | (building: empty) abandonado/anada deshabitado/a, ruinoso |
smudge v Don't smudge the picture with your dirty hands! | (smudge) embadurnar⇒vtr untar⇒ vtr |
bridegroom n The bridegroom is nearly 20 years older than the bride. | (man on his wedding day) novio nm |
bitchy adj I've never met anyone as bitchy as your little sister. | (person: malicious, spiteful) malicioso/a |
jaded adj The old man was jaded and wanted nothing more to do with the world. | (tired of sthg) harto/a adj hastiado adj saturado/a adj cansado/a adj |
noughties nough, | en la decada del dos mil zero |
invoice vtr | facturar⇒vtr (emitir una factura) |
crow vi Charles always wakes up when the rooster starts crowing. | (make rooster-like sound) cacarear⇒ vi |
forlorn adj You look so forlorn; what happened? | (sad, miserable) triste adj desolado/a adj |
shaven adj | (head: shaved)rapado/a adj afeitado adj |
to worry v tr I have told him to leave me alone, but he is still worrying me with phone calls. | molestar⇒ vtr |
mutter vi Tim muttered to himself as he worked. | (talk indistinctly) hablar entre dientes murmurar |
tripe n | (cow's stomach eaten as meat) (ES) callos |
stiffen vi She stiffened when I mentioned her old boss. | (person: become physically tense) ponerse tenso loc verb anquilosarse v prnl |
risk -averse | contrario al riesgo |
mollycoddle [sb] vtr | (be overprotective of) sobreproteger a vtr + prep consentir a vtr + prep |
indulge [sb] vtr She just wants your attention. Don't indulge her. | (person: satisfy, humour) consentir⇒ vtr (coloquial) mimar⇒ vtr |
row n They stopped being friends after their row over money. | UK (argument) discusión nf pelea nf bronca nf pleito nm |
ecstatic adj She was ecstatic to learn that she was soon to be a grandmother. | (joyful) extático/a adj exultante adj Very happy eufórico/a adj |
stifle, The government's trying to stifle the democracy movement. | (ideas, freedom: suppress) reprimir |
unleash vtr | (attack) (ataque) desencadenar⇒vtr desatar⇒ vtr |
frenzy n The shoppers were in a frenzy when the sales started. | (fit of madness or overexcitement) frenesí histeria |
pester [sb] to do [sth] | (keep insisting that [sb]do [sth]) ponerse pesado para que alguien haga algo, dar la lata para que alguien haga algo, estar molestando |
nagging adj Stop nagging | Insistir |
bond n The two sisters have a real bond. | figurative (emotional tie) lazo nm vínculo nm |
pinch n Paul gave Daniel a pinch to warn him to stay quiet. | (squeeze with fingers) pellizco |
shrink vi My jumper has shrunk in the wash. | (become smaller) encogerse reducirse contraerse |
bullish adj Everyone likes to invest in a bullish market. | (stock exchange: favourable) en alza |
bullish adj | (person: optimistic) optimista adj mf |
smack adv She was sitting under the tree and an apple fell smack into her lap. | (directly) justo adv directamente adv |
abductionn There's been an abduction from the royal palace. | (kidnapping) secuestro nm abducción |
deter [sb] | vtr (discourage [sb]) disuadir a vtr + prep |
deter [sth] vtr Some people believe the death penalty deters crime. | (crime, act: discourage) impedir⇒ vtr |
toss [sth]vtr | (throw lightly) lanzar⇒ vtr tirar⇒ vtr |
Roach | cucaracha |
eye-opening adj Seeing where caviar comes from is an eye-opening experience. | (revelatory, revealing) revelador/a adj |
knot | nudo |
stab n Rachel took the knife and split the packet with a stab. | puñalada nf navajada nf cuchillada nf |
reckon, | pensar |
sprinkling The cookie had a sprinkling of cinnamon on top. | pizca |
cripple n Zack's twisted legs made it hard to walk, and the children called him 'cripple.' | lisiado |
gridlock There was a huge accident, so we were stuck in a gridlock for over an hour. | n(vehicles: traffic jam)embotellamiento nm atasco nm |
dismay vtr | consternar |
henceforth adv Henceforth you must address him as Lord Robert. | formal (from now on) a partir de ahora loc adv de aquí en adelante loc adv |
doze vi/n 1- The cat dozed peacefully in the sunlight. 2-I'm going to take a quick doze before my meeting. | 1- (sleep lightly) dormitar⇒ vi 2- (light sleep, nap) siesta nf cabezada nf sueñecito nm |
clinch [sth] vtr We're hoping to clinch the deal this afternoon. | cerrar⇒ vtr asegurar⇒vtr |
beset 1-he was beset with or by fears 2-a policy beset with dangers | 1- acosar 2 plagado |
nosedive v / n 1- When the engine malfunctioned, the plane nosedived. 2-In the bad economy, salaries took a nosedive. | care en picado |
. fallout n We're still dealing with the fallout from her sudden resignation. | efectos colaterales efectos secundarios |
sow fill a pot with compost and sow a thin layer of seeds on top | sembrar |
breach n The supervisor was arrested for breach of confidence. they alleged breach of copyright | infracción violación |
household adj He is a household name across the country. | (well-known) famoso/a adj conocido/a adj |
household adj It's a household tool kit, nothing special. | (ordinary) doméstico/a |
sue vi When Rachel slipped on a wet floor in the supermarket and broke her leg, she decided to sue. | (in court) demandar⇒ vtr |
amiss adj You know something's amiss when Cathy hasn't posted a selfie for three days. | equivocado/a , incorrecto/a |
puzzle vtr she was puzzled by the doctor’s manner | confundir desconcertar |
drag [sth/sb]vtr Cynthia dragged the large chair into the room. | arrastrar |
maiden adj Governor Ellison delivered his maiden speech without notes | inaugural de toma de posesión de apertura |
crop n Grandmother's farm always bore crops of corn and tomatoes. | cultivo |
raider n The raiders pillaged the town. | invasor, invasora |
idler n Tiffany sleeps all day. What an idler! | zángano perezoso nm |
thorough adj (person) Adam is always thorough; he checks his work very carefully. | meticuloso/a adj concienzudo/a adj minucioso/a adj |
thorough adj (complete, total) My new boss is a thorough bore. | total verdadero/a absoluto/a |
drone n The department has three managers and about forty drones. | esclavo nm burro de carga |
barefaced adj How dare you tell me such a barefaced lie! | descarado/a caradura insolente desvergonzado |
rig [sth]vtr The politician was accused of rigging the election. | amañar |
quitter n He stayed on the team so others wouldn't call him a quitter. | derrotista , rajado, rajada |
bond The two sisters have a real bond. | vinculo |
quit Will you quit interrupting me when I'm trying to study? | dejar de vtr + prep parar de vtr + prep |
Soak up Children pay attention to more than we realize, soaking up everything around them. | absorver |
overdo something Everything is so nice! I think you're overdoing it a little bit! | pasarse con algo , exagerar algo |
Stroll The couple went for a stroll after dinner. | Pasear |
conveyance n Morse code was a breakthrough invention that allowed for the conveyance of messages over great distances. | medio de transporte medio de transmisión |
Turmoil There was turmoil at the station when the signalling system broke down. | agitación |
Yearn I yearn for a home-cooked meal. | anhelar, ansiar |
leper n Lepers used to be shunned by society. | leproso |
rear [sb/sth]vtr Chris and Margaret reared their kids to respect others. | (niños) criar |
cherish [sth] vtr Nick cherishes the pocket watch he received from his grandfather. | amar |
vie for [sth], vie with [sb], vie with [sb]for [sth], Hundreds of candidates are vying for 30 seats in the assembly. | vi (compete) competir⇒ vi rivaliza disputar |
tussle n The boys got in a tussle about who would go first. | pelea |
clumsy adj Jake is so clumsy--he's always running into things and dropping things. | torpe patoso/a |
convene [sth] vtr He's convened a meeting of the finance committee for next week. | convocar |
pinch n Paul gave Daniel a pinch to warn him to stay quiet. | pellizco |
dwindle vi Chances of our arriving before the rain starts are dwindling. | reducirse disminuirse mermar menguar |
shrink vi My jumper has shrunk in the wash. | encogerse |
bullish adj Everyone likes to invest in a bullish market. | persona: optimista stock: en alza |
Treason Gen Akin Ozturk and 26 senior officers were charged with treason and remanded in custody by a court | traicion |
hanker for, hanker for [sth], hanker after, Nobody I know has ever hankered after fame. | anhelar ansiar |
duffer n | inepto, inepta zoquete |
likewise Sarah told Tom that she enjoyed their date, and he responded, "Likewise." The US is sending its military into the Middle East to interfere in armed conflicts there, likewise the EU is sending arms and supplies as well. | igualmente, asimismo |
apprenticeship n The apprenticeship lasts three years for most people. | aprendizaje formación |
adamant adj I tried to change Sonia's mind, but she was adamant. | firme inflexible terco/a |
Rucksack: | mochila |
To con The suspect apparently conned elderly people out of thousands of dollars. | estafar |
callow adj | imberbe adj inexperto/a, inmaduro/a |
goofy | tontorron |
vapid The politician gave a vapid speech. | insulso |
misfit People regarded her as a misfit and left her alone. | inadaptado social |
scribble vi The children scribbled contentedly with their new crayons. | garabatear |
glare vi The sun glared down on the dry desert. | resplandecer brillar |
pane n I like windows with lots of small panes. | (of window) cristal hoja nm |
shield n The knight raised his shield to protect himself from his enemy's sword blow. | escudo armadura |
cold meat n | embutidonm (fiambre) |
coppern The bottom of the pot was coated with copper. | cobre |
tongue-tied adj It is amazing how tongue-tied they get when you present them with irrefutable information. | mudo/acon los labios sellados sin poder hablar sin saber qué decir |
abjure He's been forced to abjure his most important achievement as governor, his healthcare plan. | renunciar a, |
gnawing n | mordisqueo |
relish n Carrie could barely contain her relish as she took in the view from her hotel balcony | gusto deleite placer |
. relish vtr | disfrutar deleitarse |
wherewithal n The team didn't have the wherewithal in terms of talent, temperament, and tactics to win the game. | recursos medios |
plea n The defendant entered a plea of not guilty. | súplica solicitud |
hence adv Your grammar is weak, hence the low mark I've given you. | así que por tanto por consiguiente de ahí |
forsake [sth]vtr The alcoholic swore to forsake his addiction. | dejar abandonar |
lust n The rapist was controlled by his lust. | deseo lujuria |
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