Grade 9 Space


Review of all we learned from this year for the P.A.T
Nyakek Roum
FlashCards por Nyakek Roum, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Nyakek Roum
Criado por Nyakek Roum mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
About 2 000 years ago, who proposed the idea of geocentric? Artistole
What is geocentric? It is a model of the solar system showing the Earth in the middle of all other planets.
Who proposed the idea of heliocentric model in the 1500's? Corpernicus
What is a heliocentric model? A heliocentric model is when all planets revolve aroumd the Sun.
When was the telescope invented and why? The telescope was invented in the early 1600's so they can study distant objects.
What is spectroscopy? Spectroscopy is a scale that breaks down light into its spectrum of color.
What are astronomical units?(AU) Astronomical units(AU) is what scientist use to mesure distances within the solar system.
What is a light year? A light year is the distance that light travels in a year. Scientist use this to mesuare distances outside the solar system.
What is a nebulae? A nebulae is when gases and dust are pulled together by gravity.
What are terrestrial planets and what are they made up of? What are terrestrial planets and what are they made of
What are our terresteial planets and what are they made up of? Our terrestrial planets are Mercury ,Venus ,Earth and Mars. They are closest to the sun and are made of solid material
What are our Jovian planets and what are they made up of? Our Jovian planets are Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune.They are also known as gas planets because they are made up of gases such as hydrogen and helium.
What is a meteorite? That is when a meteroid is pulled into Earth's atmosphere and crashes into Earth.
A comet is... An object that is made up of mostly dust and ice that travels in a elliptcal path around the sun.
Difference between a lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse? A solar eclipse is when the moon is between the Earth and the Sun, a lunar eclipse is when the Earth is between the moon and the Sun
Fun fact Humans entered space for the first time in 1961.
Microgravity is... is the condition when there is no gravity and it affects/reduces the body mass of an individual.
Fun fact A satellite in a geosynchronous orbit,moves at the same pace of Earths rotation.
What is optical interferomety? That is a technique using telescopes that have better resoulution or the pictures are improved.
A radio telescope is... a telescope that has a radio receiver and an antenna system used to detect any extraterestrial activites


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