Sentence Structures and Types


A Levels English Language (Grammar) FlashCards sobre Sentence Structures and Types, criado por Hazel Meades em 24-02-2014.
Hazel Meades
FlashCards por Hazel Meades, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Hazel Meades
Criado por Hazel Meades mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Complex sentence A sentence with a subordinate clause.
Compound sentence 2 independent clauses joined by a connective.
Simple sentence One independent clause.
Interrogative sentence type A sentence that asks a question.
Imperative sentence type A sentence that starts with an imperative. Can be commanding.
Exclamatory sentence type A sentence that ends in an exclamation mark to show surprise/excitement.
Declarative sentence type A sentence that tells/informs the reader.
Passive sentence The subject of the sentence doesn't always do the verb action. Sometimes it's done to them e.g: Carl WAS ARRESTED.
Active sentence The subject of the verb performs the action e.g: we arrested Carl.
Balanced sentence This occurs when 2 ideas are placed side by side with the second complementing, contrasting with or completing the first e.g: "Dennis didn't like the night time, didn't want to be alone." This is one of the features borrowed from the oral tradition.
Parallel sentences This is similar to a balanced sentence except that here there is some repetition of the syntax of the sentence e.g: "The pianist was annoyed. The bandleader was unhappy." This is one of the features borrowed from the oral tradition.


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