

Verbos mais utilizados na lingua inglesa
FlashCards por rikrdoneves, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por rikrdoneves mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Be used to indicate the identity of a person or thing
Have to own, use, or hold (something). If you have (something) to do, finish (etc.), there is something that you must do or want to do in order to complete a task.
Do to perform (an action or activity). "Atua"
Say to use your voice to express (something) with words
Go to move or travel to a place
Can to be able to (do something)
Get to receive or be given (something) "para receber ou ser dada"
Would used to indicate what someone said or thought about what was going to happen or be done; used to talk about a possible situation that has not happened or that you are imagining
Make to build, create, or produce (something) by work or effort
Know to have (information of some kind) in your mind "saber, conhecer"
Will used to say that something is expected to happen in the future "algo está prevista para acontecer no futuro"
Think to believe that something is true, that a particular situation exists, that something will happen, etc.
Take to carry or move (something) to a place
See to notice or become aware of (someone or something) by using your eyes
Come to move toward someone or something; to go or travel to a place
Could used to say that something is possible
Want to desire or wish for (something)
look always followed by an adverb or preposition, [no object] : to direct your eyes in a particular direction
Use to do something with (an object, machine, person, method, etc.) in order to accomplish a task, do an activity, etc.
Find to discover (something or someone) without planning or trying to : to discover (something or someone) by chance
Give to cause or allow someone to have (something) as a present :to make a present of (something)
Tell to say or write (something) to (someone)
Work to have a job
May used to indicate that something is possible or probable
Should used to say or suggest that something is the proper, reasonable, or best thing to do
Call always followed by an adverb or preposition : to speak in a loud voice
Try to make an effort to do something : to attempt to accomplish or complete something
Ask to say or write something to someone as a way of gaining information : to request an answer to a question
Need [+ object] : to be in a condition or situation in which you must have (something) : to require (something)
Feel [+ object] : to be aware of (something that affects you physically, such as pain, heat, or an object touching your body)
Become to begin to be or come to be something specified


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