Animal farm vocab.


Year 10 English (Animal Farm) FlashCards sobre Animal farm vocab., criado por Morgan Daniel em 25-07-2016.
Morgan Daniel
FlashCards por Morgan Daniel, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Morgan Daniel
Criado por Morgan Daniel mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
cannibalism n. practice of eating one's own kind
cryptic adj. mysterious or obscure
gambol v. to skip about in play
ignominious adj. shameful; dishonorable
indefatigable adj. untiring
parasitical adj. like a parasite; gaining benefits from a host it injures
pre-eminent adj. superior to or notable above all others; outstanding
expounded v. to present and explain a theory or idea systematically and in detail
spinney n. a small area of trees and branches
unalterable adj. not able to be changed
implement a tool or instrument used in doing work
welfare an individual's health and well-being
resolution possible solution to a problem, voted on by an organisation
motto a brief statement expressing the guiding principles of a person or organisation
maxim an expression, usually a general truth or principle
dole out to give out sparingly or in small quantities
seclusion to be hidden, in secret, not easily seen
anniversary a
charge to run directly at someone in order to make an attack
military decoration a medal given as an award, usually pinned on a uniform, in honor of special bravery or success
cowshed a shelter for cows
retreat to run away
invasion an entrance, especially of an armed force, as if to take over
exploit an adventure or exciting story
rebelliousness the attitude of wanting to make a revolution, or general disobedience
ambush a surprise attack


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