Glycolysis and Gluconeogenesis


Exercise Metabolism FlashCards sobre Glycolysis and Gluconeogenesis, criado por alexlpeart em 28-04-2013.
FlashCards por alexlpeart, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por alexlpeart mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
The process of breaking glycogen to glucose is called ____. The process of making glycogen from glucose is called ____. The process of breaking glucose down to pyruvate is called ____. The process of making glucose from pyruvate is called ____. Glycogenolysis. Glycogenesis. Glycolysis Gluconeogenesis.
Name 3 rate limiting enzymes of glycolysis. Give some metabolic products which reduce the rate of glycolysis by acting on these enzymes. PFK, Pyruvate kinase and Hexokinase. The following inhibit glycolysis; ATP, PCr, Citrate, Glucose-6-phosphate
What are the three intermediate molecule between Gylceraldehyde-3-phosphate and phosphophnylpyruvate? What enzymes catalysis the reactions? 1,3-Biphosphoglycerate (phosphoglyerokinase), 3-phosphoglycerate (phosphoglycero kinase), 2-phosphoglycerate (phosphoglycero mutase).
What is lactate produced? Related to the intensity of the exercise. When high intensity we cant get NAD+ into the cell quick enough so lactate is formed.
During the process of gluconeogenesis pyruvate is converted to ____ by the enzyme ____. Oxaloacetate, pyruvate carboxylase
For pyruvate to be converted to oxaloacetate it must be in the mitochondria, however oxaloacetate is too large to leave the mitochondria. Explain the process of how it overcomes this problem. Pyruvate moves into the mitochondria, is converted to oxaloacetate, which then turns into malate, malate leave the mitochondria and is then turned back into oxaloacetate.
Where is GLUT 4 found? Skeletal muscle, Adipose tissue and Cardiac tissue.
Why do we bother undergoing gluconeogenesis, why can we just break down fats for energy? Our brain can only use glucose as an energy fuel so we need to create glucose to supply it with fuel.
Why do we phosphorylate molecules? Trap them inside cells, increase enzyme binding, for the synthesis of ATP (from ADP or AMP) allows control of reactions acting like a gate way preventing reverse reactions.


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