History Notes 8/15/16


History Class 8-17-16
Shelena Eldred
FlashCards por Shelena Eldred, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Shelena Eldred
Criado por Shelena Eldred mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Manifest Destiny The belief that Americans would expand further West.
1607 Jamestown is founded.
1629 Massachusetts is founded.
1776 Declaration of Independence is written
1789 Constitution is ratified. (ratified means it was approved or confirmed)
1791 Bill of Rights is ratified.
1803 Louisiana Purchase
1820 Missouri Compromise
Puritans - Don't like to have fun -High Morals -Read the bible - Wanted to purify the Catholic church of Roman Catholics
Cavaliers What supporters of King Charles I were called.
John Rolfe Settler that brought a different kind of tobacco seed from the West Indies that made good money. Also, he married Pocahontas.
1619 First Africans arrive in America (Virginia). They shipped slaves and goods to America.


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