Gram Stain


Microbiology FlashCards sobre Gram Stain, criado por Pip Fraggle em 25-08-2016.
Pip Fraggle
FlashCards por Pip Fraggle, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Pip Fraggle
Criado por Pip Fraggle mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What are the four reagents used to make a gram stain? crystal violet Gram's iodine acetone-alcohol safranin
How is fluid specimen transfered to a slide? By using a syringe to place a single drop
How should specimen from a swab be put onto a slide? By gently rolling the swab across the slide
How are specimen's affixed to the slide? By using a bunsen burner to heat the speicmen
Step one of Gram Staining Process Flood slide with crystal violet reagent for one minute then rinse with water
Which bacteria are stained by crystal violet reagent? Almost all
Step two of Gram staining process Flood slide with Gram's iodine for one minute then rinse
Step Three of Gram staining process Flood slide with acetone-alcohol for 10 seconds the rinse
Which bacteria will retain crystal violet stain after being rinsed with acetone-acetate Gram positive bacteria
Step 4 of gram staining process Flood slide with safranin for one minute
What is the purpose of safranin? To counterstain the Gram negative bacteria


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