Expresions when we're in class


This is about the Spanish words that we say during class
Emily Jiang
FlashCards por Emily Jiang, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Emily Jiang
Criado por Emily Jiang aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Quien falta hoy? Who is missing today?
Hoy vamos a aprender/ repasar... Today we are going to learn/ review...
Escriban sus apuntes Write down your notes
Silencio, por favor Silent please
Entendieron? Did you understand?
La proxima clase hay examen Test next week
Puedo ir al bano? May I go to the bathroom?
Puedo ir al tomar agua? May I drink water?
Como se dice en Espanol... How do you say in Spanish...
Repitan despues de mi Repeat after me
Usen el diccionario Use the dictionary
El escritorio del profesor Teacher's desk
La tarea de hoy es... Today's homework is...
Recuerden hacer la tarea Remember to bring your homework
Es hora de recreo It's recess time
Es hora de almuerzo It's lunch time
La calse se acabo Class is over
Que significa esta The definition is
Los escritorios de los estudiantes Student's desk
Adios amigos Bye friends


Numbers 1-20 20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100
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