Leadership Theories


FlashCards sobre Leadership Theories , criado por Ta Karra Jones em 07-09-2016.
Ta Karra Jones
FlashCards por Ta Karra Jones, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ta Karra Jones
Criado por Ta Karra Jones aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

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Charismatic Leadership Theory Charisma is the effect that a leader has on his/her followers -followers identify with leader -leader is able to communicate emotional involvement with the orgs. mission -these leaders have 1. strong presence 2. a desire to influence others 3. self confidence 4. a strong sense of personal moral values 5. goes beyond traits to ex's
Transformational Leadership : Transactional leadership theory -focus on the contingent rewards -employs management by exception- active or management by exception passive -the motivation of followers takes place through a system of rewards and punishment based upon performance that is monitored
Transformational Leadership: Transformational Leaders - appeals to a higher order need of followers -charisma (ability to gain trust, respect and confidence from followers) -demonstrates idealized influence (role model) -instills inspirational motivation -intellectually stimulating -communicates concern for followers
Relational Leadership Model -Relationships are central to an individual's success or failures as a leader - leaders must 1. create positive relationships with all levels of employees -central principles 1. inclusive 2. empowerment 3. ethics 4 purposefulness 5 process-orientation
Feminist Perspective -socialization process starts in childhood -the development of leadership capacity includes the factor of 1. family 2. culture 3. social factors - men and women are socialized differently in how to communicate with different purposes, rules and understanding of how to interpret interactions - many feminist feel that the model has been rejected by male dominated organizational structuring processes.
Leadership as Serving -doing things for others that enables them to do their jobs -serving means taking obstacles out of the employees way rather than putting them up Leaders who serve might experience 1. hopefulness for fundamental change 2. strength in feminist vision 3. watchfulness lest service becomes servitude 4. humbleness in knowledge that the service is an instrument of change 5 wonderment at the passage of self, other, community and principal growth
Responsibility of Leaders 1. to act 2. build a team 3. ask the right questions and continue to search for responses 4. make effective decisions 5. to practice constant and continuous communication
Change agents are leaders how directly or indirectly implement new processes, train employees on new policies and procedures and generally act as role models to demonstrate a different and better way of working
Social Responsibility -organizations must consider social responsibility - due to the consumers demands - leaders are held accountable and must live up to the SR goals ***defined as: the balanced approach for orgs to address economic, social, economic and environmental issues in a way that benefits the people and society.***
Relational Leadership RELATIONAL LEADERSHIP Non-positional leadership comes from the theory of relational leadership, as described by Komives et al. (1998). • - Relational leadership is defined as a relational process of people attempting to accomplish change to benefit the common good, and is deeply focused on the building and cultivating of relationships. It is comprised of two models: 1. positional 2. non-positional. •
Positional Leadership Positional leadership: when one strives to take on a traditional leadership role, assuming the duties associated with what they believe to be “leadership at the top” to obtain such a role. • This approach centers around the title and perception of leadership.
Non Positional Non-positional leadership: occurs when individuals seek to deepen their involvement in an organization as a member, with no particular interest in establishing a “leadership at the top” role. • -This approach centers around the qualities that relate to leadership, such as supporting the forward momentum of the group and providing vision for the future, without necessarily the interest in the title and perception of leadership.


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