Pressure in fluids


Ayukta Mathur
FlashCards por Ayukta Mathur, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ayukta Mathur
Criado por Ayukta Mathur quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
thrust a force acting normally on a surface is a vector quantity
thrust units dynes in cgs newtons in si system gravitational unit-kgf=9.8n
pressure force acting normally on unit surface area it is a scalar quantity
pressure formula thrust/area or F/A
pascal when a force of 1 n(thrust acts upon an area of 1m^2, then pressure acting on the surface is known as 1 pascal 10 pascal= 1kgfm^2 one bar =10^5 pascal
fluid any substance which has no fixed shape nd can flow


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