Diet vs Exercise


Exercise Metabolism FlashCards sobre Diet vs Exercise, criado por alexlpeart em 01-05-2013.
FlashCards por alexlpeart, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por alexlpeart mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What causes weight gain? Eating more than your using, i.e positive energy balance
What kind of reductions are needed in energy intake before we start to see weight loss in people? If you then want to maintain your new weight you need to reduce calories to ____. 200 Kcal per day 300 kcal per day
What happens when we diet? Explain some reasons for this. We initially lose weight rapidly but then gain it back after a period of time. Dieting reduces our fat free mass = decreased BMR. Decreases our mitochondrial capacity. Dieting decrease T3 hormone (metabolic hormone)
What happens to weight as we exercise? Explain why this happens. It slowly decreases, but not as fast as we would expect. As we exercise we deplete our glycogen stores and then hypercompensate replacing them with more glycogen than before. For every 1g of glycogen we hold 4g of water meaning because we store more glycogen we increase our water retention meaning we wont lose as much weight as anticipated.
Explain why exercise is a better form of weight loss despite us not losing as much weight as with dieting. Exercise still causes fat reduction but the weight loss from fat is balanced by increased glycogen stores and therefore increased water retention. Additionally exercise increased our muscle mass which leads to an elevated BRM (above normal untrained state). This ensures weight loss is retained and you don't put weight back on again. Also exercise maintains T3 levels within the body keeping our metabolism high, again meaning we retain our weight loss better.
Give a problem with exercising at high intensities as a method of losing weight. We are very poor at estimating how much we are eating compared to the energy we have used. This effect is amplified when we undertake high intensity exercise, meaning we end up taking in more energy than we expend unless we control it with a predetermined diet plan.
What happens to weight as we age? What age does weight peak? Increases, 55-60


Glycolysis and Gluconeogenesis
Protein Metabolisum and Exercise
Training and Substrate Metabolisum
Enviromental Impact on Exercise Metabolisum
TCA Cycle
Glycogenolysis and Glycogenesis
Training Adaptations
Fat Mobilisation and utilisation
Amino Acids and Protein Metabolisum
Intergrating Metabolisum.