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Haroon Nadeem
FlashCards por Haroon Nadeem, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Haroon Nadeem
Criado por Haroon Nadeem mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is gravity? Gravity is a force that attracts a body towards the centre of the earth, or towards any other physical body having mass.
What are gravitational fields? The region of space surrounding a body in which another body experiences a force of gravitational attraction.
What is the effect of mass? Gravity is a force caused by mass.The bigger the mass , the stronger the gravitational field and the more it attracts other masses nearby.
Effect of distance! The gravitational fields around planets, moons and stars weakens rapidly as you move away from them.
What are solar eclipses? A solar eclipse occurs whenever light from the sun is blocked by the moon, casting a shadow onto Earth.
What is Lunar eclipses? During a lunar eclipse, the Earth blocks light from reaching the moon.


Português - Gramática
Nikita Northman
Os processos de gestão de pessoas
Termos téc. Enfermagem
Letícia Silva
Mapas Mentais no ExamTime
Luiz Fernando
Revolução Francesa
Vania Martins
Direito Penal I - Questões para a prova
Silvio R. Urbano da Silva
Personalidade Psicodinâmica - Freud, Jung, Adler
Geografia - Mapa do Brasil
GoConqr suporte .
1_1_Simulado SAEP - Técnico em Edificações
Carlos Santos
Contextualização da Aula 2 - Tecnologia na Formação Profissional - SAÚDE
Fabrícia Assunção
Hugo Fonseca