Shoreline Assessment


Pollution Response FlashCards sobre Shoreline Assessment, criado por Joshua Vance em 03-11-2016.
Joshua Vance
FlashCards por Joshua Vance, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Joshua Vance
Criado por Joshua Vance aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Which shoreline type has a steep intertidal zone with a slope greater than 30 degrees? Exposed Rocy Shores
Which shoreline type consists of a bedrock shelf of highly variable width and very gentle slope? Exposed Wave-Cut Platforms in Bedrock
On which shoreline type does maximum penetration of oil reach 10-15 cm? Fine- to Medium-Grained Sand Beaches
On which shoreline type will burial of oil layers typically be less than 30 cm? Fine- to Medium-Grained Sand Beaches
Which shoreline type is utilized by birds and turtles for nesting and feeding? Fine- to Medium-Grained Sand Beaches
Which shoreline type generally occurs along exposed wetlands and major tributaries where the currents cut a steep bank? Exposed Scarps and Steep Slopes in Clay
On which shoreline type does maximum penetration of oil reach up to 25 cm? Coarse-Grained Sand Beaches
On which shoreline type will burial of oil layers typically reach up to 60 cm or more? Coarse-Grained Sand Beaches
Which shoreline type has a moderate slope of variable width and has soft sediments? Coarse-Grained Sand Beaches
Which shoreline type occurs where sandy bluffs are undercut by waves or currents and slump? Scarps and Steep Slopes in Sand
On which shoreline type does maximum penetration of oil reach up to 50 cm? Mixed Sand and Gravel Beaches
Which shoreline type consists of sediments that range in size from pebbles to boulders? Gravel Beaches
Which shoreline type consists of cobble to boulder sized blocks of rock, concrete, etc? Rip Rap
Which shoreline type consists of broad, flat intertidal areas composed primarily of sand and minor amounts of shell, gravel or mud? Exposed Tidal Flats
Which shoreline type consists of a rocky substrate that can vary widely in permeability? Sheltered Rocky Shores
At which shoreline type does oil form a distinct band along the high tide line? Sheltered Rocky Shores
Which shoreline type is composed of mud with minor amounts of sand and shell? Sheltered Tidal Flats
Which shoreline type consists of low banks with grasses or trees and tree roots exposed to the water? Sheltered, Vegetated Low Banks
Continuous oil coverage ranges from _____ to _____%. 91 - 100%
Broken oil coverage ranges from _____ to _____% 51 - 90%
Patchy oil coverage ranges from _____ to _____% 11 - 50%
Sporadic oil coverage ranges from _____ to _____% 1 - 10%
_____ are discrete accumulations of oil that are less than 10 cm in diameter. Tarballs
Patties are discrete accumulations of oil that are greater than _____ in diameter. 10 cm


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