The Restless Earth


GCSE Physical Geography (AQA) FlashCards sobre The Restless Earth, criado por yusanr98 em 02-04-2014.
FlashCards por yusanr98, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por yusanr98 mais de 10 anos atrás

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Plates The large pieces of broken crust that covers the Earth.
Plate Margins Where two tectonic plates meet.
Types Of Plate Margins Constructive, Conservative and Destructive
Constructive Plate A plate margin where the tectonic plates are moving apart.
Conservative Plate A plate where the tectonic plates are sliding past each other.
Destructive Plate A plate margin where the tectonic plates collide.
Collision Zones They are a type of destructive margin.
Oceanic Crust The Part of the Earth's Crust which is under the oceans.
Continental Crust The Part of Earth's crust that makes the continents.
Subduction The transformation into magma of a denser tectonic plates as it dives under a less dense plate.
Fold Mountains A mountain range formed by collision of a continental plate with either another continental plate or oceanic plate.
Ocean Trenches A deep depression on ocean floor formed at the subduction zones of destructive plate margin.
How are Composite Volcanoes Formed They're found at destructive plate margins. When the oceanic plate sinks into mantle and melts, if forms magma. Magma mixed with sea water then rises up through cracks in the Earth's crust and erupts at the surface-forming volcanoes.
How are Shield Volcanoes Formed They're found at constructive plate margins. As the two plates move apart, magma rises up from the mantle. Some magma is forced to surface through a vent - forming a volcano.
Which is more dangerous? Composite or Shield Volcanoes Composite is more dangerous since the eruption are more violent expelling steam, ash, lava and rock but the eruption doesn't occur very often.
Pyroclastic Flows Fast-moving, destructive torrents of hot ash, rocks, gasses and steam from a volcano.
Super Volcano A volcano capable of erupting on much larger scale than a normal volcano.
Caldera A large ridge forming the edge of a super volcano, where the original cone has either collapsed or been destroyed in a large eruption.
Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) It measures the volume of material erupted.
Shock Waves The energy waves created by an earthquake.
Focus The point of origin of an earthquake.
Epicentre The point on the ground directly above the focus (centre) of an earthquake
Richter Scale A measure of how strong an earthquake is.
Mercalli Scale it is measure in roman numerals; furthermore, it measures the power and effects of earthquakes.
Tsunami Huge waves caused by an earthquake under the sea.


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