Von Schleicher


Notes about Von Schleicher regarding his background, influence and power, assistance to the Nazis and end of life
Elizabeth Carr
FlashCards por Elizabeth Carr, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Elizabeth Carr
Criado por Elizabeth Carr mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Background Known as the 'creeper' or 'fixer'; leading army officer; made Chancellor in 1932; worked mainly behind the scenes; aimed to preserve army interests
Influence and Power in Weimar Germany Influenced Hindenburg; fixed appointments of Bruning and Papen
Assistance to the Nazis Tried to form a government with Nazi support but failed; gave Hitler a cabinet position in May 1932 in return for Bruning's removal and a lift of the ban on the SS/SA
End of life Murdered by Nazis because Hitler believed he was plotting against them (1934 - Night of the Long Knives)


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