People in Environmental History


people in environmental history. APES
Giselle Mae
FlashCards por Giselle Mae, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Giselle Mae
Criado por Giselle Mae mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Rachel Carson Exposed dangers of DDT with her book Silent spring
Paul Ehrlich Biologist that discussed overpopulation and food production issues
Garrett Hardin Tragedy of the Commons, people exploit their resources
Aldo Leopold Land Ethic. People are responsible for protecting nature.
Wangary Maathai Won nobel peace prize for green belt movement. He planted trees and provided food.
Thomas Malthus Said, humans cant afford to increase population because it will end up causing war
John Muir founded sierra club. fought unsuccessfully to prevent damming of hetch hetchy valley in yosemite.
Gifford Pinchot First chief of the US Forest Service, advocating for sustainablitity
Theodore Rooselevelt First national wildlife refuge at pelican island
Sherwood Rowland and Mario Molina determined CFCs destroy stratospheric ozone
E.O. Wilson theory of island biogeography which identifies factors that regulate species richness on islands


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