English Poems - Flag (John Agard)


FlashCards sobre English Poems - Flag (John Agard) , criado por charliebutler em 14-04-2014.
FlashCards por charliebutler, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por charliebutler mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Meaning A flag is a cloak of deceit for immorality and brutality; under the guise of patriotism. This harms foreign relations, as much as relations in its home country.
Quotes for meaning "That will outlive the blood you bleed' "That brings a nation to its knees" "Then blind your conscience to the end"
Imagery Onomatopoeia is used to create vivid auditory, touch and smell imagery; making the flag seem alive, and relevant to us, and the patriotism we feel in 21st Century society.
Imagery quotes "What's that FLUTTERING in a breeze? It's just a piece of cloth that brings a nation to its knees"
Structure The flowing rhythm of enjambment is used to show that the flag is continuos; and the hostility patriotism brings will be passed on. The tercet structure of each stanza allows "call and response", questioning the significance of the flag, and then backing up how it is relevant. Also, tercet structure makes it seem like "three stripes of a flag"; two longer lines and one shorter line in the middle shows that although it is just a flag, it will still dictate world politics for generations to come.
Structure quotes "It's just a piece of cloth that brings a nation to its knees" (Enjambment) "What's that flying across a field? It's just a piece of cloth that will outlive the blood you bleed" (Tercet structure)
Tone Bitter; patriotism blinds our abilities to contribute to the world around us. It provides an excuse to accept the barbarism our capitalist governments are carrying out daily.
Language "Relent"- the flag is bullying and intimidating towards other countries, in its quest for world domination of resources. "Flying"- light imagery emphasises insignificance laterally, but consequence to humanity.


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