Site of Blood Pressure Control (& Intrinsic)


Year 2 FlashCards sobre Site of Blood Pressure Control (& Intrinsic), criado por gina_evans0312 em 14-04-2014.
FlashCards por gina_evans0312, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por gina_evans0312 mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Heart Control of CO (thought venous return)
Kidney Control of Blood Volume
Kidney (Renal Arterioles) Through the RAAS
Resistance Arterioles Narrow to increase PVR when necessary
Capacitance Venules Stretch to account for inc. blood flow & balances volume/pressure
Baroreflex (1) Inc Blood Pressure stretches the arterial wall and stimulates the baroreceptor
Baroreflex (2) Baroreceptor stimulates SNS & Increases noradrenaline
Baroreflex (3) Inc Noradrenaline = inc PVR, CO & constriction of capacitance vesicles
Baroreflex Receptors Alpha Receptor
(Intrinsic Control) Cardiac Output = Venous Return- so the amount of blood in the heart determines the CO
(Intrinsic Control) Stroke Volume is Proportional To End Diastolic Volume


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