

it's lit pls buy my mixtape $$
Joe Barry
FlashCards por Joe Barry, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Joe Barry
Criado por Joe Barry mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What does the Computer Misuse Act (1990) make illegal? Unauthorized access to computer material. Unauthorized access to computer with intent to commit a further crime. Unauthorized modification of data.
What does the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act (1988) do? It protects intellectual content (someone's content that is a result of their creativity) by making it illegal to share any work with a copyright without the creators permission and making plagiarism of copyrighted content illegal.
What does the Data Protection Act (1998) do? It has eight principles that organisations that collect personal data have to follow, e.g. organisations have to ensure personal data is kept secure and processed fairly and lawfully.
What does the Freedom of Information Act (2000) do? It gives people access to data held by public authorities, this includes schools, police forces, local authorities and the NHS. It does not give access to personal data about people.
When is Creative Commons Licencing used? It is used when a creator of intellectual content is willing to give people the right to share it, the creator can chose to make the sharing for non-commercial uses (so the sharer cannot make profit from the content).
What is Open-Source Software? It is software where the code for it is freely available to the user so they can edit it.
What is Proprietary Software? It is software that is owned by a company or individual that is not free to be modified. This software is usual very expensive to purchase e.g. Adobe Photoshop is expensive proprietary software.
Give some examples of how technology has shaped modern-day culture. News is more easily spread worldwide and people know about events minutes after it happened. Social media has become a large part of society, allowing people to discuss and share what they are doing with friends. We can now reach man things just by searching it on the internet, there are streaming services like Spotify and Netflix, and we can search sites like Wikipedia for information.
Give some examples of the environmental impacts of technology. Older computers take up a lot of energy and therefore leave a bad impact on the environment. We constantly throw away our old technology and that is often left in huge landfills around the world, the toxic waste from these landfills affect the environment and people who live near the landfill.


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