Subh Milis Le Séamus Ó`Neill


Poem in Irish-Subh Milis
Tanya Kyselova
FlashCards por Tanya Kyselova, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Tanya Kyselova
Criado por Tanya Kyselova aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Bhí Subh Milis ar bhaschrann an dorais There was jam on the door handle
Ach mhúch mé an corraí But i turned off the excitement/anger
no picture ionam a d`éirigh coming from within me
Mar smaoinigh mé ar an lá Because I thought of the day
a bheas an bhaschrann glan that the door handle would be clean
agus an lámh beag ar iarraidh and the small hand missing/gone


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