73. Emotions are Tied to Muscle Movement and Vice Versa


FlashCards sobre 73. Emotions are Tied to Muscle Movement and Vice Versa , criado por Natalie Carter em 09-03-2017.
Natalie Carter
FlashCards por Natalie Carter, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Natalie Carter
Criado por Natalie Carter aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Moving muscles and feelings emotions are __________________ Linked
When you observe someone who is feeling a certain emotion, What happens to your brain? When you observe someone who is feeling a certain emotion, the same parts of your brain are active as in the brain of the person experiencing the emotion.
You need to consider the emotions your'e generating as people interact with __________ Your product
Watch out for _____ facial expressions that may change how people feel about your product. Unintended


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