Material Removal


A-Levels Resistant Materials (Industrial and Commercial Practice) FlashCards sobre Material Removal, criado por Alec Stevens em 10-05-2013.
Alec Stevens
FlashCards por Alec Stevens, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Alec Stevens
Criado por Alec Stevens mais de 11 anos atrás

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Abrading - Sanding and Emery Cloth Sanding refers to paper with abrasive grit glued to it. Glasspaper is correct term. Grit can be glass, aluminium oxide, silicon carbide or garnet. Start with a coarse grade (40-60) and work down to an extremely fine grade (240+). Wrap the sandpaper round a block to keep it safe. Emery cloth is the sandpaper of metal work. Made from emery grit (hard rock) on a fairly substantial backing.
Abrading - Filing Files come in many different types for different jobs. Rat's tail, round, half-round, hand, square, triangular, warding, needle and dreadnought. Only rasp files are designed for wood - has large individual teeth to deal with waste. Files sometimes need cleaning with a file card to remove waste. The file fixes to the handle with a sharpened point called a tang.
Cutting - Sawing Metalworking saws like the hacksaw or junior hacksaw. Hacksaws classified by number of teeth per 25mm. Junior hacksaws used for more intricate work. Woodsaws like a ripsaw used for cutting along the grain - has big teeth to remove waste. A crosscut saw is used for going across the grain - slightly smaller teeth. A back saw, like a tenon saw, is used for more intricate work like cutting joints. A piece of brass or steel keeps the blade rigid during cutting with these saws. Hardwoods need small tooth saws, softwoods need large tooth saws. Saw file used to sharpen teeth. Very intricate cuts use coping saws which appear similar to hacksaws.
Cutting - Shearing Shearing used to cut metals, bench shears can cut large sheets of metal, tin-snips are used for smaller cutting tasks. The blades are not sharpened.
Abrading - Grinding Grinding is a specialised operation which requires training. Offhand grinding is where a machine mounted somewhere is used to power a grinding wheel - used to sharpen tools. Disk grinder is hand held and used to finish off things like welds. A surface grinder is a machine able to precision grind components to narrow tolerances.


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