Medical Terminology- Chapter 13- Male Reproductive System


Male Reproductive System
angeline martin
FlashCards por angeline martin, atualizado more than 1 year ago
angeline martin
Criado por angeline martin mais de 10 anos atrás

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Gamete Reproductive cell (ovum or sperm) that contains one half the chromosomes required to produce an offspring of the species
labido sex drive
Semen Sperm and seminal fluid
sphincter ringlike muscle that opens and closes a body opening to allow or restrict passage through the structure
andro man
balan/o glans - tip of penis
crypt/o hidden
epididym/o epididymis
genito genitilia
gonad/o gonads- sex glands
oligo scanty or few
orch/o orich/o orchido/o test/o testis (plural testes)
perine/o perineium area between scrotum and anus
prostat/o prostate gland
spermat/o Sperm/o spermatozoa Sperm cells
varic/o dilated vein
vas/o vessel, vas deferns, duct
vesicul/o seminal vesicle
-cide killing
-genesis forming producing, origin
-ism condition
-spadias slit, fissure
brachy short
epi above, upon
anorcidism born with 1 or no testes
azospermia absence of sperm in ejacuate
aspermia without sperm cells - can ejaculate
balanitis inflammation of the skin covering the glans penis caused by bacteria
erectile dysfunction difficulties with erections
testicular self examination check for abnormal lumps or swelling in sacral sac
hypogonadism decrease or lack of hormones normally produces by the gonads
hypospadias opening of male underneath where it is suposed to be
phimosis fore skin cant be retracted
priapism prolonged and often painful erection of the penis, which occurs without sexual stimulation
prostatitis acute or chronic inflammation of the prostate
prostatitis acute or chronic inflammation of the prostate
testicular abnormalties various disorders of the testes
testicular abnormalities anorchism absence of one or both testicles, also called anorchia or anorchdism
testicular abnormalities Epididymitits inflammation of the epididymis
testicular abnormalities hydrocele swelling of the sac surrounding the testes that is typically harmless
testicular abnormalities orchitis Painful swelling of one or both testes, commonly associated with mumps that develop after puberty
spermatocele abnormal fluid filled sac that develops in the epididymis and may or may not contain sperm, also called spermatic cyst
testicular mass new tissue growth that appears on one or other testes and may be malignant or begign
testicular tortion spontaneous twisting of the testicle withing the scrotum
Varicocele Swelling and distention of veins of the spermatic cord somewhat resembling varicose veins of the legs
Sterility inability to produce offspring in the male , inability to fertilize the ovum
Gynecomastia Female breasts on a male child
Digital Rectal Exam insertion of finger to check the rectal wall for lesions and evaluate the prostate
oriectomy Removal of 1 or both testes
circumcision Removal of foreskin, or fold of skin coverin the tip (glans ) of the penis
orchiopexy fixation of the testes in the scrotum
prostatectomy removal of all or part of the prostate
urethroplasty reconstruction of the urethra to relive stricture or narrowing
vasectomy removal of a small section of the vas deferens to stop passage of sperm
prostate specific antigen (PSA) blood test used to detest prostatic disorders especially prostate cancer also called tumor marker test
Semen analysis sperm count
Ultrasound- prostate using an ultrasound probe inserted through the rectum to evaluate the prostate , also called transrectal ultrasound
Ultrasound- scrotal used to assess the contents of the scrotum, including the testicles, epididymis, and vas deferens, also called testicular ultrasound
androgens increase testosterone levels
antiandrogens suppress production of of androgen
anti-impotenence agents treat erectile dysfunction by increasing blood flow to the penis resulting in erection
antivirals treat viral disorders by inhibiting their development
BPH Benign prostatic hyperplasia Benign prostatic hypertrophy
ED erectile dysfunction emergency department
GC Gonorrhea, gonococci
HPV Human Papilloavirus
HSV-c Herpes simplex virus type 2
PSA prostate specific antigen
STD Sexually transmitted disease
TURP Transurethral resection of the prostate


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