Literary Examples


9th grade English FlashCards sobre Literary Examples, criado por David Moore em 31-03-2017.
David Moore
FlashCards por David Moore, atualizado more than 1 year ago
David Moore
Criado por David Moore quase 8 anos atrás

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Questão Responda
You can’t judge a book by its cover. Idiom
All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players Metaphor
But the Raven, sitting lonely on the placid bust, spoke only That one word Personification
I’ll love you, dear, I’ll love you Till China and Africa meet, And the river jumps over the mountain Hyperbole
Every cloud has a silver lining Idiom
Toby manipulated the people in his life as though they were chess pieces Simile
Kisses are the flowers of love in bloom. Metaphor
Kathy arrived at the grocery store with an army of children Hyperbole
The detective listened to her tales with a wooden face Metaphor
Money is the only friend that I can count on Personification
David’s jokes were like flat soda to the children, surprisingly unpleasant Simile
I can smell pizza from a mile a way. Hyperbole
The darling dog danced along with the song Alliteration
Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze Imagery
Peggy heard the last piece of cheesecake in the refrigerator calling her name Personification
“Food?” Chris inquired, popping out of his seat like a toaster strudel. Simile
Her eyes were fireflies Metaphor
Over the weekend, the flowers flutter furiously in the wind. Alliteration
The eerie silence was shattered by her scream. Imagery
The world does not care to hear your sad stories Personificaiton
Her face blossomed when she caught a glance of him. Imagery
David and Alex have been in this class since the Stone Age. Hyperbole
"Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is." Onomatopeia
With wonder and willingness, the young boy happily worked Alliteration
The cactus saluted any visitor brave enough to travel the scorched land Personification
Jingle, rattle, squeal, boing Onomatopoeia
The typical teenage boy’s room is a disaster area. Metaphor
Allie has a million pairs of shoes in her closet. Hyperbole
The music coursed through us, shaking our bodies as if it came from within us. Imagery
Their prayers were like mayflies in June. Simile
The students mistakenly missed making class on Friday. Alliteration
What a world of merriment their melody foretells! How they tinkle. tinkle, tinkle, Onamonatopeia
The giant tree was ablaze with the orange, red, and yellow leaves that were beginning to make their descent to the ground. Imagery
Waves of spam emails inundated his inbox. Personification
Patty drank from a bottomless glass of Kool-Aid Hyperbole
The F-16 swooped down like an eagle after its prey. Simile
Forgive me; they were delicious, so sweet and so cold Imagery
He was courageous as a lion. Simile
Grandma gave us gravy and grapes Alliteration
The kids were starving to death by the time they went to lunch. Hyperbole
The stars danced around the night sky Personification


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