Young People in Britain 1945-75


FlashCards sobre Young People in Britain 1945-75, criado por M E em 21-04-2017.
FlashCards por M E, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por M E quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Name 3 ways the creation of the welfare state would have impacted the children in post-war Britain Free healthcare - healthier Free education - educated Gov look after you - social security (jobs too)
When did the economic boom occur and why? 1956 as children would work the same job as their parents after school. This meant they had spending money for themselves increasing consumerism
Describe how a young person would spend their leisure time in the 1950's Going to churches on a Sunday Visiting relatives Listening to music and dancing Family time - watching only one programme available and the one radio channel
When were eggs, cheese and meat rationing finished? 1954
How could you find difficult to buy products? Through the illegal 'black market'
How did teenagers dress? Like their parents. Girls would follow their mothers dress sense and boys would follow their fathers.
In the 1950's how did families go from poor to rich quickly? Britains economy improved, so there were labour shortages. Anyone fit for jobs can get one
How many days a week did most people work? 5 days instead of 6
Why were teenagers able to keep their money that they earned? Fathers earned enough for the household
What did this mean? (teens keeping their money) They could create a different identity to their parents. Companies started seeing them as consumers. Dressed differently, listened to different music and watched films. Spent time with other teenagers
Where did most trends in the UK come from & why? From the US (when American soldiers came to Britain) and travelled due to common language
How did society become liberal? (link to laws) 1957: death penalty for murder abolished
When did education systems start to change and why? In the 1960's due to criticism being made
When did students leave school? 14/15
What did students do once they left school? Went to work, grammar school students went to uni.
How did you get into a grammar school? By passing the 11+ test
What was the aim of grammar schools? Open up opportunities for children no matter what their social background.
In 1960's what did critics from the Labour Party say in regards to grammar schools? Middle-class children could pass the test as parents could buy private coaching for child. Class divides.
Where did secondary schools head to? (for work) Low paid jobs (poor ppl)
Where did grammar school pupils head to? (for work) Better paid jobs - businesses, medicine, civil service as they had better funded, more qualified teachers (rich ppl)
Who issued the document '10/65' in July 1965? Education minister, Crosland
What did the document '10/65' state? Told authorities around countries to abolish secondary and grammar schools and educate in comprehensive schools.
By 1970 how many comprehensive schools were there? 1,145
What was the aim of the comprehensive schools? Different social groups' children to mix. Still better off going to grammar schools. (equal opp. for poor & rich)
In which year did the government want more people to study? 1963
In the 1960's how many universities did the conservative gov build? 11 more. (Southampton, Nottingham and Staffordshire)
How many new higher institutions did the government introduce? 32
What were these higher institutions called? Polytechnics
What was polytechnics' aim? Encourage students who wanted to study applied science and technology
What was the grant? Tuition fees for universities paid by the government for everyone. To persuade intelligent people from poor backgrounds to study. The government would cover their expenses.
What did universities teach? Theory based knowledge: law, history, English.
How did education rise between 1961 and 1969? 200,000 to 390,000
How did new subjects such as Sociology, Psychology and Politics affect students? It made them want to change the world.
Who were hippies and what year did they come out? 1960's. Groups of young people
Where did hippies originate from? USA, San Francisco
What did hippies wear? Tinted round sunglasses, beads like jewellery, long hair, colourful clothing
What were hippies culture? Peace, free love for more than one person 'groupies', associated with drugs (cannabis, LSD)
What did hippies talk of? Flower power - carried flowers (sign of peace). Belief that society should be closer to nature.
When was the summer of love movement? August 1967
What was the summer of love movement? Hippies gathered for a 3 day love in
Which rally occurred in 1968? Rally in hyde park to legalise cannabis. Petition signed by Beatles and Rolling Stones
Who did people who supported the flower power movement also support? The peace movement
When was the campaign for nuclear disarmament? 1950's
In 1962, many teenagers joined the movement. Why? After the Cuban Missile Crisis Also did later on for Vietnam War
What did students do in 1963 and why? They decided direct action needed to persuade government. They broke into government bunker and decided to copy top secret documents. Protests on uni campuses
Who wrote the famous song to end the Vietnam War? John Lennon


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