How did Hitler become a dictator of Germany?


FlashCards sobre How did Hitler become a dictator of Germany?, criado por Amirah Aqeel em 21-04-2017.
Amirah Aqeel
FlashCards por Amirah Aqeel, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Amirah Aqeel
Criado por Amirah Aqeel aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
The Reichstag Fire February 1933 -27th Feb: Reichstag burned down -Communist Van Der Lubbe was accused of starting it(it's thought Hitler set him up as the Nazis wanted the majority of the Reichstag) -Hitler declared Communists were attacking Germany -Article 48 was used: Hitler could make laws without Weimar Republic -With this power, he passed 'The Enabling Act'
The Enabling Act March 1933 -The Enabling Act allowed Hitler to pass any laws for 4 years withut Weimar Republic -He banned all other political parties meaning that everyone had to vote Nazi party -He got rid of all local governments so that only Nazis could lead -He banned trade unions so that they couldn't overthrow him
Gleichschaltung 1933 Control of state parliaments: -all state Parliaments closed down in March 1933 -State govenors were appointed by Nazis Control of Trade Unions: -potential opponents and close allies of communists -May 1933 many Trade Union officials were arrested -All unions merged into the German Labour Front Control of other political parties: -Hitler wanted a one-party state -May 1933 attacked Social Democrats and Communists -June 1933 law was passed stating only Nazi party was allowed to exist
The Night of the Long Knives June 1934 -Hitler: head of SS and army - only thousands -Rohm: head of SA - 2mill members -Hitler feared that Rohm would take power -In the night,Rohm was arrested on Hitler's orders -He was give the chance to kill himself but rejected and got murdered -100 SA Soldiers and Von Papen&Von Schlieffen murdered also as they were see as a threat -Next morn: Nazis covered it up saying Rohm betrayed Hitler -OUTCOMES: SS became bigger&army sweared an oath of loyalty to Hitler
Death Of President Hindenburg August 1934 -President Hindenburg died of natural causes -Hitler became Der Fuhrer (chancellor and president) -Now there was no more threat to Hitler as he became a dictator


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